Lauraingalls BSN, RN


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  1. Lauraingalls


    What do you need help with? I just recently took it.
  2. This week I said goodbye to my unit that I precepted on. I will miss those nurses. I learned that I definitely love labor and delivery and hope to get a job in that field. 58 days until graduation. I sit typing this on a spring break vacation in C...
  3. I cried on my way home from work too this week. A couple with 2 previous miscarriages finally gave birth to their first child. They parents wept for joy right after he was born. I had tears then. The grandparents came and it was their first grandch...
  4. Lauraingalls

    Complaints only, please!

    I applied to a hospital for a nurse residency that would end up with a job on the unit you precepted on. Of course it was conditional on them liking you. I applied, submitted a letter of recommendation and resume. I was offered my first choice. I wa...
  5. No, I am in AZ
  6. Yes he did show up! LOL!
  7. So this week I learned that the nurse manager on the L&D unit has no clue that I am even precepting on her unit. I am precepting at night so I dont get to see or talk with her. I am over halfway done with my precepting and I am trying to figure o...
  8. I learned that medical residents don't make great patients. She was a general medicine resident in labor. She swore she was dying all the time. Too much knowledge and being a primip, the anxiety and not knowing what to expect was too much for her.
  9. I accurately assessed my first cervix this past week. I am feeling more comfortable in L and D but the whole world of birthing seems daunting. I have discovered that I like pho.
  10. Lauraingalls

    Confessions Of A New Nurse

    Congrats! Thank you for sharing your story.
  11. Good luck! Tomorrow is my last first day of nursing school! 4 months until graduation,
  12. Lauraingalls

    Why???? Are?? They?? Failing???

    My school has a 99% pass rate but we have lost 7 of our original 20. It is tough and time consuming. Statistical speak, those we have lost tend to be young and first time degree. Those with kids and husband's are staying strong. I would have thought ...
  13. Here is what I have learned about vaginas: I spent this past semester in labor and delivery. I dont have siblings and I have never witnessed a vaginal birth in person much less have time to stare a a woman's vagina for any length of time. I had C-sec...
  14. Lauraingalls

    Nau Nursing Spring 2016

    Welcome aboard! I am a 5th semester student in Tucson. Let me know if I can help.
  15. Lauraingalls

    12/31/15: What I learned this year

    I learned that my nursing professors are some amazing people. I learned that life is too short for regrets. I learned that you can facebook stalk your future preceptor. I learned that my kids are rockstars. All 3 were inducted into national junior...
  16. I learned that I was accepted into a local hospitals nurse residency program and offered a preceptorship in Labor and Delivery which was my first choice! My non nurse friends threw me a baby shower of sorts for my birthday and gave me things for my r...
  17. Lauraingalls

    OB Next Semester. Tips and tricks?

    I had a different experience. I got hands on. I felt a cervix and the babies head descending. I held legs and cried at each birth. I help massage funduses, wiped goo off newborns, complete newborn assessments, attended csections , saw a newborn resus...
  18. I learned that I am so damn competitive that it drives me nuts. I want to be the top student, get the best grades. Passing just isn't enough. I want a 4.0 so bad I can taste it. I was jealous that a classmate of mine said she could miss 12 questions ...
  19. Lauraingalls

    Never wanna take students again.

    Nope! We just finished night clinicals!!! Sorry I get it that you don't want students. The new way of doing things is having the clinical instructor drop you off and come back to check on you. When your students are spread between 4 units and 6 floor...
  20. Lauraingalls

    I don't like pediatric patients, am I normal?

    This is how I feel! I have already hurt my back
  21. Just for calling me half pint, I will! Lol!
  22. I learned grudgingly that actually typing out a concept map helps cement the information. I learned that I am nervous to apply for a local new nurse residency program. My school handed out 10 applications. This will fulfill our preceptorship and sh...
  23. Lauraingalls

    I hate group projects

    OMG! we would work so well together! Mom of 3 teenagers and I have had 6 group projects this semester. I am able to choose and I work with another mom every time. We rock our projects and they are done ahead of time
  24. I only have one more clinical left in labor and delivery. I have spent 2 nights in Mom Baby and I have found a happy place. The nurses are cared for and supported by their supervisors. The techs and RNs work together and support each other. I would l...
  25. Lauraingalls

    Pregnant and asking pts to wear masks

    She said she does wear a mask.