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All Content by JimmyMac

  1. What's your best 'Nurse Hack'?

    Here's one if you work in a busy ER or pre-hospital. But many physicians will order 1 liter of normal saline over an hour. And we will be short infusion pumps. Well, if you remember IV math, just use the roller clamp but make sure you remove all air ...
  2. Can I accomplish becoming an RN at 26?

    Academically, anything can change. In my nursing class, a few people that had 4.0 in the prereqs barely made it, or didn't make it. And some students that entered the program by the skin of their teeth made through just fine. It's different in a sens...
  3. The Bearded Nurse

    Keep a well trimmed, professional looking beard. And there shouldn't be a problem. I have a beard, I keep it at a 3 on the clippers and clean up the edges, and I was hired on at the emergency department.
  4. Why do nurses seem to have a bad reputation?

    Agreed. For example I believe on Scrubs, there was an episode where Nurse Carla stated she never went to college to achieve an education. I don't care if she even has a diploma in nursing. It's something. And for that episode to be made in modern day...