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About bloodorange

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  1. Stony Brook's Hiring Process

    Hey, this is way after you asked, but I think the starting salary is around $69k for a new nurse before night differential. Pretty sure SBUH realized they needed to even out the salary discrepancy...
  2. Hey there! I took most of my pre-reqs at BMCC as a part-time matriculated transfer student. It was definitely advantageous to be matriculated - we got to register earlier, and I think it might have...
  3. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2016

    Classes and/or clinical are pretty much every day (M-F; some people have clinicals on Saturday or Sunday, depending on clinical site). We got a week off in August, which did not feel like enough at...
  4. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2016

    Complicated question! It's hard to "like" an accelerated nursing program. It's a huge grind. I'm glad I'm here -- is that good enough of an
  5. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2016

    Good luck, everyone! I'm in the program right now, and it's quite the... intense experience. (heh!) I wouldn't worry about the interview. Perhaps they tried it once and aren't sure whether to do it...
  6. Florence Nightingale's Birthday: World's Most Famous Nurse

    Of course that's true; it's also true that mental illness doesn't discriminate based on class. The rich have better resources, but the underlying condition still
  7. Help... im about to give up :(

    Hunter is extremely strict about their requirements, and I don't think they allow any retakes. Definitely ask before you
  8. Pre-Nursing Help /: From BMCC to CUNY Hunter

    I'm not sure Hunter allows any retakes in the pre-requisites for the nursing program, but you should definitely call the Nursing Department office and
  9. Stony Brook Nursing Basic BSN Fall 2013 applicants

    No, it's an accelerated BSN for second-degree (non-RN) students. I know SBU also has an RN-to-BSN program, but don't know the
  10. Stony Brook Nursing Basic BSN Fall 2013 applicants

    I'm going into the 1-year program (starting next month!), but I'm quite sure you don't need Organic Chem for Stony. Hunter is...
  11. Millennials in the workplace

    You know, I'm pretty sure this isn't actually a generational thing, but a natural variation in work ethic that exists within every generation. As if we don't know lazy/entitled people of all ages (and...
  12. Aspirating an air bubble

    As an unlucky one-time recipient of a Rocephin IM injection, I hope it had lidocaine in
  13. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN Class of 2014

    What are you all doing in the meantime between your capstone ending and graduation/boards? Anyone lining up new grad residency spots? Working as techs?
  14. Frustrated with Graduating in May

    Don't rule out Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. Philadelphia is FULL of new nurses from the area
  15. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    I'm not sure how it works for those accepted off the wait list, but those of us who were accepted "normally" got, I believe, 10 days to