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All Content by nurse_pogi

  1. Filipino Nurses in Norway

    Hi guys can anyone help me or give me idea about applying as auxiliary nurse in Norway ?? I heard that you need to learn Norsk for you to be able to work as auxiliary nurse. Waht are the requirements , advantages and disadvantages of applying in this...
  2. I've always dreamed of working abroad

    too bad for us nurses i dont know what to do i'm just waiting for my luck but of course im still working on it i will not give up haizzzz we need to help each other
  3. Applying as a nurse in Norway, anyone else?

    hi just want to ask if there's an examination for language proficiency in norway before you get hired in a home care ?? And which is better studying norwegian language here in mania or in norway because one consultancy firm told me that norwegian emb...
  4. Applying as a nurse in Norway, anyone else?

    hi i also want to apply with this program and thats also my problem .i think we need to recruit lot of people who are interested with this program and lets form a group and help each other what do you think
  5. Applying as a nurse in Norway, anyone else?

  6. I've always dreamed of working abroad

    You know what we have the same scenario, i also want to go abroad and look for my luck and opportunity, But still right now I'm struggling looking for the best one .. too bad for us nurses, somehow have a li'l regret in taking up nursing course, but ...
  7. I've always dreamed of working abroad

  8. I've always dreamed of working abroad

    Hi nursedan28, you know what your not the only one experiencing that kind of scenario. Me too i'm also a nurse i have 2-3 years experience but still i can't find a stable job where i can save money for my future family. I want to go abroad but the t...
  9. Filipino Nurses in Norway

    ohh thank you for that information.. really help me deciding if i should go or not..because right now I'm planning to go abroad and look for a change and opportunity of course. But the thing is like what you've said there will be a big culture diffe...
  10. Do Nurses Earn Big Money? You Decide.

    TOO bad for us nurses, we study four years in college took the board exam and yet until now a lot of our colleagues still having a hard time to look for their success .. !!! Lord please help us
  11. Do Nurses Earn Big Money? You Decide.

    I think this is the big problem of nurses now a days especially Filipino Nurses, and now I'm planning to apply ss auxialliary nurse in Norway even though i will not work as a registered Nurs but rather assistant Nurse coz i need to take the board exa...