
bugya90 ASN, BSN, LVN, RN

Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine

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About bugya90

bugya90 has 14 years experience as a ASN, BSN, LVN, RN and specializes in Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine.

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  1. New grad first job as Clinic RN?

    I'm a clinic charge nurse. I second what others have said about hospital care not being the end all be all of nursing. I have some inpatient experience but the vast majority of my career has been in...
  2. You should be able to contact your translator service and have them translate the message for you. You can also use Google translate. We use this occasionally for generic patient e-mails. I wouldn't...
  3. MA for a boss?

    I am a RN. I am the Charge Nurse in my clinic with 6 LVNs and 3 CMAs. However on paper our clinic manager (who is not a nurse) is the direct supervisor for all of us. Everyone "reports" to the Clinic...
  4. There aren't many so you will have to really hunt for them. I am the only RN in my clinic and was 1 of 2 RNs at my previous clinic (the other RN had been there for 20 years). Keep in mind that because...
  5. KatieMI, I am so sorry for what you have experienced. As others have said, please get a lawyer and contact any programs she has applied to. She knowingly and intentionally exposed you to something you...
  6. Another lost new grad

    If you don't have children or other obligations holding you in your current area, I see make the move. It is terrifying to move away from your parents and the support system that you grew up with,...
  7. Leaving before 1 year? Don't know what to do..

    It depends on your long term career goals. Since you say you want to do ER or ICU in the future, I would recommend you stay or try to find another inpatient job. Though other inpatient units may...
  8. LPN to RN woes

    I have been in your shoes. I took the scenic route to my BSN. Graduated with LVN in 2011, RN in 2017, and BSN earlier this year. My advice: Get it over with! I regret waiting so long to finish up. It...
  9. Quit my CNA Job ???!

    I second the scribe in ER if you are able. It will help expose you to more of the provider side of healthcare and show you more of the duties you will be performing as a PA. Depending on the ER...
  10. Would you do that? New grad dilemma

    I would be vary cautious of working as a LVN with a RN license. I was a LVN for several years before I went back to school for my RN so I understand the draw for it. However, many Boards of Nursing...
  11. R.N. debating to pursue BSN

    You are still young and hopefully will have a long career ahead of you. the current trend is pushing for more BSNs (rather it is warranted or not). With that said, it may be mandatory for you in 10...
  12. Nurse Managers: Showing initiative, or being creepy?

    As a manager I never used Linked In or any other social media/networking platform. Our recruiters would sometimes look up a person's social profiles as part of the vetting process but I personally...
  13. Mon-Fri Rn Jobs no weekends or holidays

    I work in a Family Medicine clinic as a Wellness Nurse. Mon-Fri, no weekends or holidays. Occasionally I have to stay late if it has just been one of "those days." However the majority of the time I...
  14. Personally it would not bother me one bit as a nurse. However, I would not flaunt it with your fellow med students. You don't want to put an unintended target on your back. Med school is tough enough...
  15. Any unused pre-drawn vaccine should be tossed at the end of the work day per CDC policy. Also if you read the vaccine insert that come with the shipments the manufacturers have specific guidelines in...