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All Content by brandonscott116

  1. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    When will I get a DA form 31? I definitely want to make sure I have everything I need to ensure proper payment. Thanks.
  2. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    I am going to split it up. I plan on driving about 12 hours the first day and then I should have only 6 hours of driving the second day, plus it will let me get there before the 1600 NLT time. I have printed the packing list and seen the welcome let...
  3. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    I am leaving a week from today (Sunday March 3) to make it on my report date of March 4.I'm driving down from SW Virginia.. looks like it's gonna be around an 18 hour drive give or take. I haven't received an email yet so I'm hoping I do soon giving...
  4. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    So when we report do we report to Building 592, even if we are permanent party and are getting down 10 days early to find lodging? Anyone have any good hotel suggestions that are close to base but won't break the bank. The one on post is $106 a night...
  5. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    So I have to pay out of pocket until I find a place to live? If my orders says to report 4 March is there any leigh way on this since it is just to look for housing or do I need to be there on that day?
  6. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Okay so I got my orders today and my report date is 4 March, which is in like 11 days. I think this is to give me 10 days to look for housing before everyone else gets there 14 March. It doesn't say much else though. So should I contact lodging there...
  7. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    So you'll be there within the next few days?? Do you know where you are staying in the mean time? Are you renting off post?
  8. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    So LTC W got back to me today and I now have my RFO. It has a lot of information on there that was overwhelming and I didn't understand a lot of it. How long after getting your RFO do you typically get your orders? He said they were "currently workin...
  9. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    I have to have orders for this though correct? Just call the transportation office closest to where I live?
  10. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    I haven't been told anything. Last week it was "they are working on your orders" and haven't heard since. I emailed him this morning though to try and figure out what the hold up was and to hopefully light a fire under someone's butt because I'm gett...
  11. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Thank you and I thought that is what you told me originally but it's hard when you are being told conflicting information and I still don't have orders. If that is the case I can leave in about two weeks and that makes this even more stressful becaus...
  12. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    vtrobinson- Have you received your orders yet or know when our report date might be since we are permanent party?
  13. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Thank you for the clarification. Can you clarify whether permanent party gets extra days to help find housing? I was told on here I could get 10 days TLE to help find a place to live but LTC W told me that you only get that if you are PCS'ing and no...
  14. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Is this your report date or the date BOLC starts? Are you permanent party at Fort Sam Houston or just attending BOLC? LTC W told me that BOLC was scheduled to start on 14 MAR but that more than likely my orders would say I could report as early as 10...
  15. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    No unfortunately I do not and that is why I am waiting on orders. I am fortunate that I am prior service and I have some of the stuff already but there is still a lot to purchase. So waiting on orders it is I guess.
  16. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Still waiting on my orders so I can go and get some of the packing list. If you guys are reporting 28FEB are just now getting them... I probably still have a week or so which sucks.
  17. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

  18. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    This is stressing me out. No idea when I'm supposed to go to BOLC. I was told I didn't have to do pre-BOLC bc I'm prior service but yet when I called lodging in FT. Sam to figure out what dates are listed for BOLC starting in March there are none. Sh...
  19. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Thanks.. unfortunately my family won't be coming down to BOLC is probably over but I guess I will go home every night and.... sleep maybe?? Haha... sorta sucks.
  20. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Congrats Kirb. I am not scheduled to report until mid March I think because I don't have to attend pre-BOLC. Since we are permanent party we are supposed to have off post housing. I have been in contact with a realtor AKA (relocation specialist) that...
  21. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    I have looked at that website through and through. I still haven't seen a date for BOLC though. The ones that pop up when I look at class dates are from last year. I have looked at the packing list and have already started gathering what I have now f...
  22. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    So time is flying by and it seems like I have nothing done. Anyone know the exact date BOLC starts if you dont have to attend pre BOLC? Is it MARCH 16? How are you guys getting your CAC cards, packing list, etc?? Last question is does anyone on here...
  23. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    They received my scroll today and I am scheduled to commission and sign tomorrow. I can't believe this is all real. So we do report 28 Feb? I thought BOLC didn't start until the middle of March? If that is true I am even more anxious since I have A L...
  24. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    My recruiter told me last week when I was pulled off the OML. If you aren't getting any info from your recruiter then I would suggest you email LTC *****. I was originally told by my recruiter that he did not know where I was on the OML. I contacted ...
  25. Army Nurse Corps FY2013

    Yes, I was told by my recruiter last Wednesday that I was pulled off the OML. Supposedly the first 10 on the list were pulled and moved to "selected".