Iana Bezman

Iana Bezman

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All Content by Iana Bezman

  1. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    I did pay 80 dollars and upload everything but it still shows that I nee approval, how do I know if something is not wrong?
  2. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    I comleted magnus tracker but it still shows uncomplete I don't know why
  3. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    you should go to this web site https://ch1prd0202.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=F357xK5YcUq-LupFMgHLPL0c7wgbqs8IvlCHjQ7u78v-rKnKcD29FB3zGBRHSrapdOnZAPry9CA.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncpd1.com%2findex.html and then press on Exam you will see a video a...
  4. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    I got the three emails.
  5. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    Hi, did anyone receive a second email today?
  6. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    Hi everyone,I was lucky to get into RN program for winter Quarter, but still did not receive second email
  7. Tacoma Community College winter 2013 program

    Hi everyone I was lucky to get into RN program for winter Quarter, but still did not receive second email