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All Content by friendlyjane

  1. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Let me try one more time. Anyone out there applying to UTHSCSA for the fall of 2016? The deadline is getting closer. How is everybody feeling? As for me I am a nervous wreck. I have taken my TEAS and completed all the courses. I am about finished wit...
  2. UTHSCSA Spring 2017 Applicants

    Hey guys, I am a student at UTHSCSA about to start my first semester in two weeks (so excited and nervous). I want to wish everyone luck during this waiting game. For me this part was one of the hardest thing about the whole process. Just fyi, once t...
  3. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Congrats! That is so exciting. Have you joined out FB page yet? If not here is the link. Log into Facebook | Facebook
  4. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Good luck to all the waitlisted people. One more day and hopefully there is good news all around.
  5. Has anyone here used any of the Reviews and Rationales by Mary Ann Hogan during nursing school? I am going to start my first semester in August and the reviews for this series is excellent. I would love to hear first hand experience using this resour...
  6. Reviews and Rationales by Mary Ann Hogan

    Thank you for your response. I just bought four R&R 2nd editions (the current R&R is the 3rd edition) and plan to buy about three more. Since they were 2nd edition the cost was only about 50 bucks with shipping for all four. So $13 per older ...
  7. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Wow Kaymeegs, I sure hope you get into UTHSC and everyone else here on the wait list. They have been very organized and informative with the up coming cohort. As I have been filling out and sending them various docs, I have been requesting a simple c...
  8. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Ratlady, you seem to be a current student at UTHSCSA (I am lazy and don't want to review the past pages, sorry. Lol!) We would love for you to join our FB group to help give some insight to what is ahead of us.
  9. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Hi Lunaaa7! Do you think you can join our FB page so you can give us an insiders point of view being that you are in your first semester? Maybe advice on what to start doing now, stuff like that. What do you think?
  10. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Congrats to everyone who made it, good luck to everyone on the waiting list, and keep on trying to the ones who did not get in. I just wanted to repost the link to the FaceBook page 1staidkit started just in case anyone missed it. Log into Facebook |...
  11. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    9 is really good Kaymeegs! Good luck.
  12. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Ok...I will be looking for the FB page. I am so freaking happy!
  13. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    I am in. Whoop whoop!
  14. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    To you as well. I think if I was not right on the line with my TEAS I would be ok. An 82.7 is not a slam dunk and might be below the average for this cycle. My GPA's are 3.8. I am really driving myself crazy over this. Long, long spring break for sur...
  15. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Well I played dumb and made the call. I asked if it was this Friday or next week sometime when they will be sending out acceptance or rejection emails. The person stated, "I am pretty sure it is the 18th but it is definitely not today." Darn it. Look...
  16. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Ok...I read through the comments from the last semester (took me forever)and it seems people get rejection letters first when there is something missing or incomplete with their application. Then a few days later they send both acceptance and rejecti...
  17. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Oh my lord! I am freaking out. Today might be the day then. My heart feels like it is going to burst out of my chest.
  18. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    They told us that they were going to tell us on March 18th if we got accepted or not. This is a week early for her to get notified. Did they do it sooner with yall as well?
  19. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    I wonder if she did not have the minimum requirements and that made her easily disqualified? Do you happen to know her numbers?
  20. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Holy moly!
  21. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    That would be awesome. Can't wait till next Friday.
  22. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Thanks for the shout out. How is everything going in your first semester?
  23. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Thanks so much. That is what they emailed me without the explanation of going to an urgent care clinic. I am going to my sisters doc who is about 45 min from SA. She knew he was accepting new patients and I just wanted to get seen without hunting for...
  24. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Just in case y'all missed any forms, here is the link to the student immunization record that needs to be filled out by a healthcare provider. I have insurance through the healthcare exchange (aka Obama...
  25. UTHSCSA Fall 2016

    Yes, yesterday I started to freak out a bit. Ha ha ha. 10 days and counting.