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All Content by friendlyjane

  1. How is the TEAS V timed?

    Thank you so much. I will take that advice.
  2. How is the TEAS V timed?

    I cut it close on reading and math, and I even go over at times. Grrr. Thank you so much for the response, I really do appreciate it.
  3. Ha ha ha. Again, glad it was you. You are the patron saint of AllNurses.
  4. Wow, someone annoyed Esme. That is very hard to do. I know this has to be a misunderstanding from the OP as to why the respondents are asking these questions and I will say I am glad that Esme was around to show them the way. Others would have not be...
  5. night shift nurses with young children

    Thanks. Great ideas.
  6. night shift nurses with young children

    I am not a nurse yet but know most likely when I do become an RN, many job openings for new nurses are for night shift. What do y'all do when your school aged children are home from school during the summer? My kids would be in high school, middle sc...
  7. Getting down on yourself?

    It is so true what you said OP. I deal with anxiety and often wonder how the hell am I going to be a nurse if I can't handle stress? I greatly improved when it dawned on me that it really is up to me how I feel. Something I learned on AN. Thanks AN. ...
  8. Why do some choose to pursue BSN over ASN first?

    Amen! Life finds its ways to help postpone education. I have three kiddos and it is very hard. Right now I just want to sit down and try to figure out this section in Statistics. I can't because my two yo old would be banging on the door saying " Mo...
  9. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 14

  10. some silly fears

    Great ideas.
  11. Path to become an Oncology nurse?

    I would love to see some responses to this post. I am very curious about this as well.
  12. Can I get into nursing school with a 3.1?

    It depends on how much weight the school gives the teas and gpa. The school I want to go to, the teas is 59% of the application weight. If your school has a high percentage put on the teas I think you could if you really rock that test. Good luck.
  13. Don't go into nursing school if_____

    Totally agree with this. I know what I need to work on and I'm trying to better myself in areas. If I see myself in some of these post, it will not deter me in any way going to nursing school.
  14. Are my pts "brain dead"?

    I have learned alot from this post. I love all the knowledge y'all have. I will say that this thread seems like a rollercoaster at times. Phew! I keep getting back on. ;-)
  15. Guidance for a new student.

    Awesome. Congrats to you. You did it.
  16. Don't go into nursing school if_____

    Lol. It always amazes me what I learn from this site. I love it. I just need to figure out how to use this new information in my life. Im sure it will be an internal dialogue and not verbally expressed. Haha! Not about myself of course since I am a w...
  17. Which nursing schools are easy to get into?

    Look, this is your first semester. Don't make anymore C's and bring that GPA up. Retake it if they let you and keep on chugging along. Don't count yourself out yet. Way to soon for that.
  18. Was is worth while to study the TEAS-V (ATI manual)

    The TEAS V is 59% of the entrance requirements to get into the BSN program I am aiming for. With that much weight in the test there is no way I am not going to study like others have suggested.
  19. Will it ever get better out there?

    I am still getting my prerequisites for a BSN degree. Im not going to attend nursing school till my youngest starts kinder. Well my question is this. I will be graduating from nursing school in spring of 2018 (that is the plan). That is about 4 1/2 y...
  20. Will it ever get better out there?

  21. Will it ever get better out there?

    I'm not from the UK or Canada. I'm not being affectatous (sp?) either. Maybe I'm spell things wrong. Who knows? Lol. I'm from the USA in good ole Texas. I know it is hard to know what is going to happen. I'm just nervous about it. After this post I h...
  22. Will it ever get better out there?

    Thanks so much. I will not be too particular about my first job. My only requirement is that it be in a hospital. Need to build my skills. Thank you so much for the encouragement.
  23. Will it ever get better out there?

    Yes, I was feeling that way when I was reading up on current and future employment for nurses. I forgot which magazine it came from but becoming a nurse was in the top 10 jobs to have in terms of demand. Then a couple of government (scared to type th...
  24. Will it ever get better out there?

    Thanks nursegreene. I learned alot about posting on a forum from this little post. Im so happy that you are through the schooling part. I hope to have a job as quickly as you got yours when my time comes.
  25. Will it ever get better out there?

    I have a friend who just graduated with a BSN last weekend and a family member will be graduating in March with an ASN. That will let me gauge somewhat how it is in my area. Now about relocating, I don't think I could go any further then an hour fro...