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About summeroflov

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  1. Will my scars from cutting be a problem?

    I don't see why it should be anyone's business to ask. Do they ask about other bodily defects? If so, that's quite rude. That said, I've had a few patients ask about my scars (which are more recent...
  2. Pain Management

    Oy, I hate that. Its like a Dr. who has never given birth telling the woman that it doesn't really hurt... um, yes, it does! I tell my patients to let me know if the pain is start to get to the point...
  3. PACU Pay

    Slightly above the minimum stated by BarbRN62. Starting my 2nd year of PACU, but previously worked Med-Surg as well as
  4. Who is taking this patient!?!? ::crickets::

    Basically in our PACU if the older nurses were "holding" patients, our charge RNs would be on to it. One of their responsibilities is to kind of 'round' on the unit (more or less the RNs) and ensure...
  5. How many ORs/beds?

    I was just curious as how to large your hospitals were, and how many ORs you have/how many PACU beds? I work for a large Level 1 Trauma hospital (very busy) and we have 17 main ORs, and 20 PACU slots...
  6. I agree txg159- the fact that the PACU is so different than the rest of the hospital/the floors is one of the things I love about it. When I worked on the floor I could not say that I felt 100%...
  7. Post op recovery of regional C-section

    I should clarify that my hospital is a HUGE Level 1 trauma center, so we have the space and staff for dedicate OB-Gyn operating/recovery rooms. I can understand that it must be different in hospitals...
  8. Post op recovery of regional C-section

    All c-sections unless done under general anesthesia (extremely rare) are recovered on the L&D floor. All the OB ORs are on the L&D
  9. To DKA or not to DKA, that is the question...

    I agree, diabetic acidosis comes on more suddenly and with a much higher blood sugar. Without immediate treatment of DKA, the outcome will not be good. As others said, there are other types of...
  10. We (both the main OR and PACU) handle our own codes. Anesthesia is paged to the bedside internally and one is always available immediately to handle critical situations, along with all our ACLS/PALS...
  11. Phase I/ Phase II recovery

    At our hospital phase 2 is only for patients being discharged to home. All main OR patients (with the exception of ICU patients) go to phase 1 (main recovery room) until they meet the requirements of...
  12. When did it become OK to treat your nurse like poo?

    Ugh, I don't know but the same thing goes on at my hospital. I was hospitalized recently (ER to MICU to general floor) and a few nurses thanked me for being so patient and respectful. I just said "I'm...