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All Content by whoadee

  1. GPC Fall 2013 letters

    When y'all got the nursing fundamentals book, did you buy it brand new or used? Does anyone know if it comes with an access code and if so, do we need it? I am wanting to order it online this week but I am unsure of what to get. Any advice is greatly...
  2. GPC Fall 2013 letters

    I was wondering about that myself. Home | Flu.gov says "The 2013-2014 flu vaccine will be available to the public in Fall 2013." So I am guessing that we can request from our doctors to get it as soon as it is available. I gave my form to my doctor's...
  3. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    Class Connector Search Home- American Heart AssociationType in your zip code and the radius you want and click view scheduled classes. Then enter in an end date of July 31st and click SEARCH. It will give you a screen that asks what course you need t...
  4. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    Thank you, aelmo!! Congrats to you as well! As much as we were beating ourselves up about it, it's really nice to finally be able to breath, ya know? Let's enjoy this brief couple of months we have until lockdown begins, lol!
  5. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I don't anymore. I used to live off Concord Rd in Smyrna, but since moved down to Stockbridge to live with and take care of my great-grandmother. Where our house is is actually closer to the Decatur campus, than Clarkston where I attend. Question fo...
  6. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I received my acceptance letter this past Saturday!!! Thank you Stephanie for the heads up on checking the mail. I am beyond excited and so proud of all of us for working our tails off to make this happen. I did not apply anywhere else so I will be a...
  7. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I was reading through the Fall 2012 threads and I think those were the people that called to see why the didn't get in. MY thinking on the matter was that once you get your acceptance letter, you have to then say YES I AM going to attend the program....
  8. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    Good luck ladies! Here's to hoping we all make it into the program!!
  9. GPC FALL 2012

    I think that "eligible" just means they meet the minimum requirements- at least a 2.7 GPA, 65 on TEAS, etc...
  10. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I was terrified of having to take this class (I hate speaking to large crowds) so I took it online over the summer and it wasn't all that bad. We wrote 4 speeches (recorded ourselves speaking them or did a youtube video), did a powerpoint presentatio...
  11. GPC FALL 2012

    Yeah, at the info meeting in December they said that they usually get between 450-500 eligible applicants, of those 200 get acceptance letters, and of those about 140 students start the program. When students asked why they sent out 200 letters to on...
  12. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    The logic and critical thinking class is PHIL 2020, which is the recommended humanities class. You can take any class, but the program of study recommended this specific class. Hope that helps you!
  13. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I'm getting ready to take A&P II, Amer Gov't, and the LINK class for the Spring semester. I had registered for the online Dosage Class too, but when I emailed the professor about which book to buy she said the school was cancelling the class "due...
  14. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    aelmo14, I had the same question/confusion so I called them and asked and they said to choose the "GPC Teas" option.
  15. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I put all my eggs in the GPC basket, so *fingers crossed* that I get in.
  16. Georgia perimeter fall 2013

    I applied to the nursing program after final grades were posted at the end of this semester, and I just filled out the online application. I saw the option where it said we could mail it in, but there weren't any links to a printable form. Last Frida...