Unfortunately, you are not alone. It makes me sad that your clinical management/educators came at you like they did. Perhaps the better question would have been HOW CAN WE HELP YOU SUCCEED?? It's...
Unfortunately this is going to be a norm or us and will continue to be problematic as acog stacks more and more "Guidelines for induction" onto the already monstrous list. Most morbidly obese women...
Wow. There was no intention on my part in implying that you were naive. I was just giving you and opinion based on my managment style. When looking at a resume of an experienced nurse, a list of...
here's the thing about certifications and such for a newbie. as a hiring manager, i wouldn't hire you over someone else if you had all that stuff if i didn't believe you could do the job. i would...
I would not expect you to have any kind of certifications if I were interviewing you.. I am looking for someone who can think and act on the fly, stay calm when all you want to do is run and realize...
I said that because I have 12 LDR beds and have 200+ deliveries a month. Seems to me that your core goal is a good thing. You need to hire to meet that instead of all that overtime. Thats a budget...
Hmmm. You have a lot of space for your deliveries/month. Why is that? Are your labor nurses and M/B nurses crosstrained to both units and can flip flop as needed? Do you have call for a just in...
Congratulations. I am not a by the book interviewer, so I don't know if my advice will be helpful or not. EVERYONE comes in and says OB is their dream job. Unless you have worked OB before, or have...
oh, I forgot. The OB or CNM is the provider. Its their job to do lady partsl exams. In the absence of the provider, the nurse CAN examine the patient. Certainly nursing doesn't 'let' them do the...
I am sitting here struggling to collect my thoughts enough to repsond to this rationally and intelligently. Ok. So, here goes... What you describe is probably every "born to be a labor nurse" nurse...
i find it interesting that she sought you out despite the fact you had nothing to do with her care. why you? direct her to hospital compliance, or administration, or joint
I would write completed AWHONN introduction to fetal monitoring. AWHONN has an intermediate course and an advanced course. You really want to distinguish which you completed, at least that is what...