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All Content by barbs123

  1. Broward College starting Jan 2013

    I had always wished someone could tell me how to prepare but really there's no way to prepare the only thing you can do is stay ahead of the game read and takes notes prior to class do the objectives if in north campus prior to class so when the teac...
  2. Broward College starting Jan 2013

    Is anyone selling nursing process 1 & 2 books or any first semester books I'm going to north if that matters my email is [email protected]
  3. Broward College starting Jan 2013

    Does anyone know if financial aid pays for the nursing uniforms ??
  4. Broward College starting Jan 2013

    Does anyone have a list of the books we need for next semester I wanna get them now to be prepared?
  5. Broward College starting Jan 2013

    Thanks for the information ! Do u know if all white Nikes would work then?
  6. Broward College starting Jan 2013

    I am going to north and I was looking at the nur Process syllabus and it says something about the TABE test ... Does anyone know what they r talking about ? And another question what kind of shoes r required for clinical ?