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About Marymoomoo

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  1. Essential Oils in the ICU

    Diffusing essential oils is much different than pouring oils all over a patient (topical use should be used sparingly, and well diluted). Here's some research: "The focus of integrative therapies is...
  2. baby friendly questions

    This times 1000! Baby-Friendly is about supporting moms and babies in the best possible way. If a mom doesn't have family support and she needs to rest, then baby may need to be with a nurse for a...
  3. Jacksonville State University BSN Come In Here

    @TRJSU I'm a prenursing major. This is an older post, but I have some questions and maybe you could help me out. How would you rate your current experience? Are clinicals nearby? How many hours are...
  4. breast feeding course

    IBLCE offers the only International certification in lactation. I would encourage you to look into the pathways. Surely one will work for the program you're taking.
  5. NICU nurse becoming a Lactation Consultant?

    Couldn't agree more with the statements here. If you don't need an intermediate certificate, then I, too, would encourage taking the Health e-Learning Breast Ed series. You can get all your hours in...
  6. How to become a Lactation Consultant?

    You already have a degree in nursing, correct? In that case, the degree programs would not help you much. What you need is: 1) Lactation Specific Education Hours These can be easily earned online....
  7. post your fall class schedule

    remedial Algebra English 102 American History 1 Normal and Clinical Nutrition Health Microbiology and
  8. Obtaining IBCLC

    If you work with mother baby pairs and you assist with breastfeeding, OR if you are a volunteer with an approved organization or a peer counselor with WIC, etc. you can apply through pathway 1 once...
  9. breastfeeding and medications

    ^ditto. Here's some info on how medications pass into human milk: Drug entry into Human Milk | InfantRisk Center And here's the ABM protocol on the use of anesthesia and analgesia during bfing:...
  10. A nurse who doesn't breastfeed

    I'm an IBCLC, and to be honest, I find it a little offensive to be categorized among people who think/act like formula is "poison". That's not a feature of all lactation consultants. I'm not trying to...
  11. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine just updated their protocol on hypoglycemia. "Usual recommendations are that feedings should be frequent, at least 10-12 times per 24 hours in the first few days...
  12. Infant Thermoregulation

    Babies should be kept skin to skin as much as possible. Mother's body is baby's habitat and mothers and babies were designed to stay together. Mother's breasts can increase temp to warm her baby....
  13. Can we talk about breastfeeding and breastmilk please?

    There's advocacy opportunities for this cause: Reimbursement for Donor Human Milk for Preterm Infants |
  14. Baby Friendly- getting a tad over the top

    Have you read the actual paper? It's not a study. It's a review. They go waaaay back to the 70's when there was no kind of indicator of how much breastfeeding was going on and for how long. That's...
  15. Baby Friendly- getting a tad over the top

    You're correct. This hasn't happened. WIC does not cover the full amount of formula needed in a month, and I'm not sure that it ever has. When their vouches run out, WIC participants have to find a...