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All Content by xanxan

  1. How to be an aus nurse

    I am learning this from a friend, who is already an AUS RN in Ballarat. She went through this last November 2011 and I am currently going through the same process this year 2012. How to Register as a Nurse in Australia Ø Registration for Nurse Pract...
  2. How to be an aus nurse

    Found you on facebook :)
  3. How to be an aus nurse

    Yes i agree...more likely it will be for the november intake already.i dont mind. :) its a new subclass visa type too that replaced 456. Hopefully the backlogs are cleared.
  4. For the immunization records, i went to my family doctor for assistance. Some schools that I applied at required submission of these documents with the application (though some dont but would ask for them when you are accepted and actually enrolled)....
  5. Bridging Program in Australia

    You are welcome. :) So far I have lodged my visa application for subclass 600 last august 8. Awaiting email for medical exam.
  6. Bridging Program in Australia

    Hi, sorry for the delayed response. Im sure you got all your docs by now thanks to sbeattrix for sharing the docs she included in her visa app. Here are the docs i submitted (2 sets: 1set is a photocopy of everything in the same order as the first s...
  7. How to be an aus nurse

    Aug 7 i finally received my confirmation of enrollment from lonsdale. Aug 8 lodged my application to australia at the via center
  8. International
  9. Bridging Program in Australia

    It does.thanks. How long did it take?
  10. Bridging Program in Australia

    Hi! I am in the process of lodging a visa for subclass 600 for the BP at Lonsdale this October. For those who have already done this part, what were the documents you submitted with the form? Were they original copies or certified true copies? Help i...
  11. How to be an aus nurse

    And today I got an email for Lonsdale institute that they have opened an October intake - oct 15 to jan 3. Will this be better? I have not started visa processing. Will I have the time to complete everything before the said date?
  12. Bridging Program in Australia

    You can ask directly to CON. My friend had a student visa but had to get a business short stay visa ...this was back in january this year. Does not hurt to ask.
  13. How to be an aus nurse

    Still got no word from aaon.when sending them an email all i get is an automated response. I also got an offer letter from ACN for September intake last July 22 but will decline it in favor of Lonsdale Institute.
  14. I did the same with my doctor placing all my vaccines and when i got them on a vaccination form plus the required serology and ppd test. HepB requires the serology. Ppd for TB. I had to re-do aDPT since the one i got was when i was a baby. I chose to...
  15. Im thinking that i'd worry less on the accommodation and transportation for the whole duration of the BP.less hassle in looking for accommodation and transpo to and from the clinical placements. Sydney has a higher cost of living. Just weighing pro...
  16. 18500 with accommodation and transportation 3 months program
  17. I just got my offer for ACN today too... i will be declining the offer in favor of Lonsdale. Good luck to everyone of us.
  18. When did you receive your offer? I am still waiting for mine and hoping they have an october intake instead.
  19. Bridging Program in Australia

    Visit their website... for AFP check. If you have inquiries you can shoot them an email and they respond right away.
  20. Bridging Program in Australia

    I did an AFP check back in May to submit to ACN. (Name redacted per site ToS/privacy) advised of a name check only. (Name redacted per site ToS/privacy) of AFP inquiries responded with - "The purpose code you should select is '37: Care, instruction ...
  21. Bridging Program in Australia

    How has it been? Job hunting and all the life after BP?
  22. Hi andrearafaella! I am a second courser too. i also sent my course description of my first degree.
  23. Hi...i know someone.rozelle...let me get her username correctly for you
  24. So we have 4 peeps for lonsdale november intake- Vitamin_n Knbautista lady marjette Xanxan So far i have contact with kn and lady. Here are some additional details i was able to get from lonsdale. Lonsdale has required accom and transpo because ever...