
WonderousIvy BSN

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All Content by WonderousIvy

  1. NorCal student-can I participate in clinicals??!

  2. Dismissed petty theft

    Hi how did this situation pan out for you? I had a deferred prosecution then later the charge was dismissed for stealing from walmart. I'm now wondering if state hospitals will allow me to participate in clinicals.
  3. 8 month lvn to RN program at carrington college

    i would also like to hear from some recent grads or current students preferably at the sacramento campus
  4. 8 month lvn to RN program at carrington college

    their prereqs are listed online in their catalog its not much
  5. Pre-Licensure WGU Skills Labs

    can you give me more information about how the courses run? The closest clinical site is 5 hours from me so how often would i have to go there?
  6. One Day I Will Be Seizure Free!

    Yay! Other people like me:) I've had seizures since I was 10 or 11? Ive been on Depekote,Topamax and Keppra. I'm on Topamax and Keppra now- I'm in the middle of coming off of topamax. My husband and I want to have kids and the high probability of bi...
  7. Nursing School Oopsies

    In CNA clinicals, I didn't seal a colostomy bag properly...everyone in the facility knew. I worked prn at a facility in KY and we were under tornado watch, no one knew what to do. We literally had people without oxygen and the computers were shut do...
  8. Dealing with your feet

    Does anyone have foot pain? Bunions...plantar fasciitis...arch problems? How do you deal? I'm not a nurse yet but my feet already hurt!! Long walks and short runs kill my feet (bunions at the ripe age of 22). Spill your tips here please
  9. Keep ALL your connections!

    Awesome! I see you're in the Sac area? I creeped your posts lol! I'm married to a soldier and we just moved here a few months ago. Any tips for me to get started in ICU/ER? I'm starting lvn school in shortly, then bridging to rn. We're only here for ...
  10. RN-BSN to DNP

    Hi all, im not a nurse yet. I feel as though I know what I would like to do. My plan hasn't changed for a long time now. I will hopefully start nsg school in a few months an have my RN in about 2 yrs. I was wondering if there is any school that is af...
  11. RN-BSN to DNP

    Ok, good advice ladies! Especially about the clinical sites and preceptor situation. We're currently in Sacramento he is on recruiting duty.After this it is back to the regular unit. I am trying to plan as well as I can but it's difficult. I have fin...
  12. Dealing with your feet

    Never going barefoot (even at home)is something the podiatrist told me to avoid too! It's hard for me! I'll try Dansko's next I've heart nothing but good things. My mum has got me shopping on Footsmart.com,which I'm so thankful for lol. They have ama...
  13. Extremely Overweight Nurses

    I've been seeing a lot of obese nurses lately. In my opinion it's not setting the right example,not is it SAFE. If someone codes or there's a fire a nurses who is huge can't run to get to/from the emergency. Another example ... CPR ! It's exhausting,...
  14. Question

    I think it's start to read over practice questions as soon as you know nursing is what you want to do. My sister in law gave me her NCLEX review books. I can familiarize myself with how the questions are worded and what kind of things are asked. I th...
  15. Dealing with your feet

    This has to be the sexiest thing I've ever heard hahaha!
  16. Dealing with your feet

    My bunions are genetic unfortunately! My mother,her mother...as well as my other grandmother..I've had them ever since I can remember...one day I will get surgery. Most likely when I get in my forties or whenever it's too much to handle. Until then I...
  17. Dealing with your feet

    I have seen a podiatrist a few times. We have discussed surgery but she advised me to wait until later in life because it only relieves pain temporarily(in many cases). I have inserts for my tennis shoes and get daily foot massages (I have an awesome...
  18. Extremely Overweight Nurses

    You're right, I don't have any experience as an RN. I may be setting myself up for disappointment,too. I'd rather go in with a positive mentality, a mentality that I can help a person change for the better. Which I KNOW I can do. Rather than a negati...
  19. Extremely Overweight Nurses

    Thanks for seeing this for what it is. I think a nurse/drs first pt of the day...is THEMSELVES. I'm going to read up on the info you provided,thank you. Congrats on quitting smoking, I wish you well!!
  20. Extremely Overweight Nurses

    This was posted a long time ago and I see many people were offended. I apologize for that. I think many of you misinterpreted my main point here. Which was safety. The reason I originally posted this was because I was working as a CNA in a small kent...
  21. July 2014 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    "I packed her a lunch. I bought her Depends...so she doesn't have to pee and I know she's not hungry. When will she stop running Burt?! When!? " "One day honey,one day..."
  22. My LVN/NCLEX-PN experience, California timeline :)

    Jpal09, I'm in Sac also..where did you go to school? I'm hoping to start at Carrington soon.
  23. Microbiology Fall 2013!!!

    Me too! I know where to post for questions lol
  24. Pause!

    Idk where that "dde23" came from think my phone had a minor seizure lol
  25. Pause!

    So, I've finished all my prereq's ( except for college alg which I'm working on). I've taken the HESI and did well...then my husband gets orders and we are due to leave in a few months after he gets back from overseas. I feel like I've hit a wall! I ...