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  1. Thanks! The army is always promoting education but nursing is a different beast with clinicals. I'm curious as to how your peers who are in the reserves are doing nursing school with the possibility...
  2. From what I understand the accel program is 12-14 months but I can see what you're saying... To be honest I'm just looking to complete this degree and start working while I'm still young, ambitious...
  3. Haha my situation is slightly more complicated. I was assessed reserves and went active through a program called ADOS (active duty operational support) Gave me the opportunity to go active for three...
  4. Well my active duty time is up July 2013 but I'm still obligated my 8 years of service so I'm going to finish off my time in the reserves which is what a lot of people end up doing. My MOS in the...
  5. So I'm doing some future planning and I want to do an accelerated nursing program in 2 1/2 years after my contract with active duty service is up. This way I'll have money set aside so I can go back...
  6. Want to 'rejoin' Army Nurse Corps

    No, i have a contract because as i previously mentioned I was on a nursing scholarship for 2 years and then I had to leave the nursing program. I am commissioning in may as a 2lt in the Qm corps...
  7. Want to 'rejoin' Army Nurse Corps

    olderthandirt2, I did think about doing a 2 year program but to be honest I have already done 2 medical surgical rotations, 1 ob rotation, 1 psych rotation, etc. I've already completed 3/4 of my...
  8. Hello everyone, Let me start by explaining my situation. I joined Army rotc my junior year on a two year nursing scholarship. Things were going great until the end of my junior year and everything...
  9. Hello, I am currently a junior in college and I am enrolled in the ROTC program (currently MSIII going to LDAC in a month) and I had a question about an OCONUS duty station. Traditionally I hear...
  10. I agree... I think he meant it in a good way, and California especially with all the illegal immigrants bankrupting the hospital er rooms need more nurses! I give him credit for acknowledging
  11. Real nurse vs. TV nurse.

    Hi my name is Joe and I'm a nursing student about to begin my second year. I just have a question for current nurses. Do you ever get annoyed or discouraged from what a nurse really is as opposed to...
  12. How hard was Organic Chemistry?

    Organic chemistry defies all rules of logic. Forget everything you learned before! One tip I can give you is look at orgo from an analytical point of view... almost like how you would study...
  13. How do you feel about ADN nurses?

    well... I'm not a nurse yet... but it's just a calling that some poeple have to helping others. If you feel that you can dedicate your life to helping other people over your own personal gains then...
  14. How do you feel about ADN nurses?

    Yes this is very true. In fact that is a misconception. Nurses do in fact have autonomy because they CHOOSE whether or not they need to carry out an order or not but it is still seen as a...
  15. How do you feel about ADN nurses?

    why does everyone see me as the enemy here? I was just simply stating THE FACT that nursing is NOT officially recognized as a profession because they do not meet the criteria because of the associate...