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About Lucy54

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  1. Pronunciation is the key. I may not be spelling all of these correctly, but working as a travel nurse in a Los Angeles ER provided me with a few triage phrases that may help. wake up: abre los ojos...
  2. I had 4 years of ER experience and a few months of ICU experience before applying to CRNA school. They gave me a pretty hard time for not having a full year of ICU, but I was accepted to the program....
  3. That's true! Just goes to show how different all of these programs are. That's why it is really important to speak with the particular school that you plan on applying to before making any big...
  4. zoozoo, you think MICU is better than CCU????? RNCRNA2B, you need ICU experience regardless. In my opinion, CVICU provides the best preparation, but that is just my opinion. Is there not a hospital...
  5. Pls. Help Meeeeee!!!!!!

    You should meet with the director of the program you plan on applying to and ask what he/she recommends as far as retaking classes. I can tell you from my experience that most programs will reqiure...
  6. Agency Experience?

    I was a travel nurse before applying to CRNA school. It can definitely add many positives to your application as previous posters have mentioned. The only thing that was a problem for me, was...
  7. Sent you a
  8. Cadaver Exposure?!?!?

    How much time you spend in the lab with your cadaver is entirely up to you. Well not will have mandatory hours during class time that you must spend in there. That amount of time is...
  9. Hey Phishininau, your PM inbox is full. Is that at a hospital in
  10. I had been an ER nurse for 3 1/2 years and had about 8 months of ICU under my belt when I applied. They actually did give me a pretty hard time. I had a good GPA and MAT but they didn't like the...
  11. I figured you knew that, I just didn't want any other readers to get confused :) sent you a
  12. Just a little FYI. Joe Williams is the Program Director for UAB. Michael Humber is the Director of Clinical Education. Wouldn't want anyone to get confused as to who they were interviewing with :)...
  13. It Matters To Me!!! How Insensitive! Risk free? Mr. SWAT, you know absolutely nothing about my career and I know nothing about yours, but I'm not on a SWAT team member post now am i? Do you even...
  14. Hey Kiteman, I don't know what you do for a living, but get back to us when you've put in 45 years of practice with people's lives in your hands. I'd love to see you sweat when someone's airway is...
  15. 1) front loaded program (all classwork for 2 semesters and then 18 months of clinical rotations), very high intensity. 2) Instructors are all highly qualified experts in their clinical field. The...