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About purplerose3

purplerose3 has 10 years experience.

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  1. You could consider a mood stabilizing medication if you haven't. I have struggled previously for a couple years with PTSD. It's challenging. I did disclose to my managers, HR, and stated I felt...
  2. Sick, Sore, & Depressed

    I can relate. Look at options that may be
  3. An elderly gentleman with comes in for observation after a fall has been trying to climb out of bed every 10 minutes the entire shift finally falls
  4. We are all unique and special! It seems like everyone is working everyday toward becomming better and strengthening weaknesses that they've recognized. Some times it is personalities that are more...
  5. How frustrating. I've had that feeling befor when applying for an internal transfer. My current manager does everything under the sun not to make it possible just because her unit has high turnover....
  6. Letting off Steam, hope my extinguisher is ready

    I understand. It's hard. I was born in my city and have lived my whole life in my city and worked hard to gain knowledge and experience in nursing. I'm struggling trying to make ends meet with a...
  7. Epic (Nursing) FAILS!

    When I worked day shifts in LTC/rehab, a resident was to be admitted Pm shift. Came in the next morning. Another nurse and I went in early to get her dressed and ready for dialysis. Was told in report...
  8. You Know You're A Nurse If...

    You have an entire OTC pharmacy in your nurse purse (just in case). You know what time every place in town that will deliver food
  9. Interesting Physician Perspective On NPs

    NPs have a higher salary than PAs. Plus they can join faculty as a professor at a university. The background in nursing, and ability to branch out with their own clinic. I would like to earn my DNP...
  10. Need to vent.....dont understand why people are so nasty

    You were doing what was in the best interest of the community. So what, let them complain! You're not going to be in any real trouble for being an advocate for the well being of the kids. The parents...
  11. At the end of my rope...hate nursing.

    I understand how you feel. I am struggling with some of those same feelings now. Nursing is a tough career. I'm tired of giving up holidays with my family (I have been for 10 years). I had to leave my...