

Medsurg, Oncology, Hospice, Bariatric Sx

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All Content by Valr

  1. Hello everyone! Looking for some advice. I'm thinking about making a big move and wanted to get some first-hand experience from California RNs. Background: I am a new grad RN (exactly 1 year of experience) in South Florida on a busy medsurg/oncology/...
  2. Hello everyone, I may be overthinking this but I need some help diffusing a faux pas I committed with my clinical instructor. I'm always afraid of stepping on a professor's toes and I've already done so with this one by arriving late to clinical twic...
  3. How Do I Apologize to Professor?

    Hi everyone! I took a small hiatus from allnurses in order to prep for final exams which came shortly after my post. I appreciate all comments (good as well as bad! Construct criticism comes in all forms :)). However, I'd like to clarify my feelings ...
  4. How Do I Apologize to Professor?

    Thanks for the answer! That's more or less what I was going to do if I couldn't decide. I'm hoping she won't have that big of a problem with me by the time I see her. My parents always say things like "The other person probably forgot about it by now...