Hi, I am going to be starting nursing school in the Fall and I'm so excited. I just registered and I'm taking the following: Pathophysiology 3 credits Intro to Nursing Practices 3 credits Skills &...
Have a heart to heart with her and listen to what she has to say. Voice your concerns. Something is going on and sometimes we need a friend to help get us back on track. Good
I personally know how it feels to put what I would love to do on hold since being a wife and mother to my 3 children come first. You have very young children so I would not advise you moving away from...
I haven't been in school in 7 years so I do not have a professor I could ask for a letter of recommendation. I doubt they would remember me. Anyway this is adding to my dilemma of applying for
I'm sorry you are going through this. I have been told it is difficult for family and friends to understand what nursing students go through. Hopefully things will get better. Good luck on your exam...
I told my principal about my acceptance. We have a good working relationship so I felt comfortable giving her a heads up. Also, I would like to sub there so I want to leave on great