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About Lolita34

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  1. What is your Fall schedule?

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. Good luck
  2. What is your Fall schedule?

    Hi, I am going to be starting nursing school in the Fall and I'm so excited. I just registered and I'm taking the following: Pathophysiology 3 credits Intro to Nursing Practices 3 credits Skills &...
  3. Alternate!!!

  4. Have a heart to heart with her and listen to what she has to say. Voice your concerns. Something is going on and sometimes we need a friend to help get us back on track. Good
  5. I personally know how it feels to put what I would love to do on hold since being a wife and mother to my 3 children come first. You have very young children so I would not advise you moving away from...
  6. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program

    I haven't been in school in 7 years so I do not have a professor I could ask for a letter of recommendation. I doubt they would remember me. Anyway this is adding to my dilemma of applying for
  7. has anyone heard from LLU for Fall 2013???

    Good luck on your
  8. Conditional acceptance?

    Congratulations! I had to pay $250 for the seat deposit and its non-refundable. Good
  9. Any job offer yet? Graduation around the corner!

    Congratulations! That is
  10. Spouses have no idea what it takes!

    I'm sorry you are going through this. I have been told it is difficult for family and friends to understand what nursing students go through. Hopefully things will get better. Good luck on your exam...
  11. I got accepted to CCGA for Fall 2013!

    Congratulations! I was going to apply there but I got accepted to Armstrong's BSN program. I wish you well in the
  12. Nursing School Blues

    Do you miss
  13. I have gotten really lucky.

  14. Any career switchers starting in the Fall?

    I told my principal about my acceptance. We have a good working relationship so I felt comfortable giving her a heads up. Also, I would like to sub there so I want to leave on great
  15. NKU ABSN 2013

    Congratulations on your