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All Content by theMRchris

  1. West Coast University January 2013

    New student starting BSN program in January 2013...anyone else?
  2. Lvn or west coast university BSN???

    It all depends on your priorities. I say the money factor should not be your decision point here, although it is very important to keep in mind as you will need to work around it somehow. An LVN program will definitely get you in the field faster and...
  3. West Coast University January 2013

    Also WCU is now regionally accredited by WASC which is the big one so you can go out there and most institutions will recognize your BSN just the same as a BSN from say a Cal State U.
  4. West Coast University January 2013

    Since you're at a csu I'm assuming you took the don't need the TEAS and you can just get that waived by WCU if you bring in your SAT scores and its over 1500