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All Content by gdesta04

  1. New grad rn :( I wanna cry

    Ok i agree with most of the comments here... I graduated in December, 2011, took the nclex a little later in april. That was a big mistake because in the DC/MD/Va area it is really a tough market. I say if you live in MD or VA first get that instead ...
  2. Ok i agree with most of the comments here... I graduated in December, 2011, took the nclex a little later in april. That was a big mistake because in the DC/MD/Va area it is really a tough market. I say if you live in MD or VA first get that instead ...
  3. Why many new grads don't find jobs....

    Ok i agree with most of the comments here... I graduated in December, 2011, took the nclex a little later in april. That was a big mistake because in the DC/MD/Va area it is really a tough market. I say if you live in MD or VA first get that instead ...