
All Content by RN403

  1. RN403

    An open letter to the #NursesUnite movement

    Right on. All of this had me thinking as well... I wonder what kind of changes we could make for ourselves and our patients if we all united and posted on social media for things such as staffing or other issues. We could at least bring notice to the...
  2. RN403

    Critical Care course

    A lot of online nursing programs have classes related to critical care such as Penn State online. Also, if you look into the hospitals around you, especially teaching hospitals you might find that they have critical care courses that are actually fo...
  3. RN403

    why aren't gloves better

    Even if they would spend the money, nothing is perfect. Like a PP said, hand hygiene is where it's at.
  4. RN403

    Pain med admin

    What type of pain medication are we talking about here? We often have oral pain medication (Vicodin or Percocet) at a lower dose and then a higher dose. There is also usually an order for IV Dilaudid or Morphine for more severe pain. If a patient ha...
  5. RN403

    i wanna be a nurse but...my math sucks

    If you have a learning disability I recommend seeking out a college advisor at the school you are thinking about attending and ask about their resource center for students with learning disabilities. If if being bad at math were that big of a deal t...
  6. RN403

    Checking O2, suction

    I would do it before my patient enters the room. When you get report on a new patient you should anticipate the type of equipment that will be needed in the room. For example, I get report that my patient is coming in after aspirating and has been d...
  7. RN403

    clinical nerves

    Bring a nursing skills book with you. I had a mini one that I brought along. I always skimmed through quickly before doing a procedure with my instructor (who encouraged and allowed this). Remember you are there to learn. You are not an expert at any...
  8. Think about your career goals. What kind of nursing do you see yourself doing in the future? You sound pretty happy with the job you are at currently so I wouldn't make any decisions to move on unless you are 100% sure that this is a job you want or ...
  9. RN403

    IV Pump (Alaris) Programs or Software?

    There area plenty of youtube videos on the pumps that you might find helpful. Other than that, using the pumps in person on the lab days would be the most beneficial option. Maybe talk to your clinical instructor/lab coordinator about setting aside a...
  10. RN403

    Bucks traction-Contraindicated?

    I have not read any official research on this topic, but, one of our orthopedic surgeons will often D/C buck's traction placed by a fellow doc or just never order buck's traction to begin with because they believe that it often makes the patient more...
  11. RN403

    any long time cnas?

    While I am no longer a CNA, nor have I worked as one for a long period of time, I must say...please do not see yourself as a "loser." Life happens and sometimes our goals and dreams get set aside. Being a mother of eight (momof8CNA - so I am guessing...
  12. RN403

    What is the strangest thing...

    Dishes and silverware off their food tray.
  13. RN403

    You are NOT allergic to...

    Had a patient tell me he was allergic to oxygen once...
  14. RN403

    Carrying around your brain sheet?

    I utilize scrub pants with a pocket on the side of my leg. I fold my brain sheet long ways in half and store it in there. You could also kind of roll it up so it doesn't get folded. Works better this way, for me anyhow.
  15. RN403

    Nursing Shift Report

    Do you use an organized brain sheet? Be sure to update the sheet as you go throughout your shift that way you have the most and the most accurate information to give without forgetting anything. It all gets better with time.
  16. You can be hired at 19. Display yourself professionally and you'll be fine.
  17. RN403

    Two job offers but no official offer letters yet....

    I found myself in a similar predicament and waited to receive my official offer letter before making any decisions regarding giving notice. To me nothing is official until it is in writing. Best wishes.
  18. I learned to cluster my activities which really helps with timing. You can also try to anticipate your patient's needs to prevent running back and forth. As far as critical thinking...I go home everyday and review my patient's disease processes and n...
  19. RN403

    RED flags to look for when interviewing

    This right here.
  20. RN403

    post-interview thank you card?

    Sounds fine to me! To the point and professional.
  21. I would privately send condolences if this is a personal friend. Speaking on his character is not violating HIPAA. Sorry for your loss.
  22. RN403

    Detailed skin assessments?

    I see. You might try a health assessment book similar to what would be used in a health assessment nursing course as there is usual a section pertaining to the skin and abnormal skin findings. At least there was one in my book.
  23. RN403

    To work as a nurse assistant or not- Advice?

    I would focus your energy on RN positions. You may have to commute a bit in order to get experience. Reach out to recruiters. Reach out to your clinical instructors and see if they have any connections. One connection can go a long way. I have experi...
  24. Take the day off and do something relaxing. Now is the time to mentally rest and relax. Last minute studying won't do you any good. You know what you know. Good luck!
  25. RN403

    Detailed skin assessments?

    If your hospital utilizes a wound care nurse they would be a great resource. I always read their notes which helps me match descriptions to wound/ skin appearances.