
All Content by RN403

  1. You could increase your work load if you think you will be successful. If your GPA takes a significant dip it could impede your ability to be accepted into nursing school which would defeat the purpose of you attempting to get everything done early. ...
  2. RN403

    i think I failed the nclex shut off at 76

    Your thoughts and feelings are normal. Try to stay positive. You will find out soon enough how you did. Try to keep your mind off of the exam, I know it is difficult! But you cannot change what is done. Sending positive vibes your way.
  3. RN403

    Patient fall without bed alarm

    Talk to risk management....NSO is a good company for malpractice insurance for future reference.
  4. I utilized Hurst and passed NCLEX. Was it beneficial? Who knows. I used so many resources to prepare for boards that it was probably just the combination of all of them that helped me. The key for me was doing questions. I probably did over 5000 ques...
  5. RN403

    1st nursing Job

    Some facilities do not like when people just walk in. You might call human resources or reach out to nurse managers via e-mail regarding your application or resume. If it seems to be a technical issue with receiving your application you might call hu...
  6. RN403

    High cost of nursing courses

    This is correct. You are not a Registered Nurse until you take and pass NCLEX. Completing a Diploma, ADN, or BSN program that is accredited allows you to sit and take NCLEX. You can practice as a GN with a temporary permit, but, ultimately to work as...
  7. RN403

    Pharm Help

    Working Ortho you will commonly see meds such as Toradol, narcotic pain medications PO and IV, Lovenox & Heparin (SubQ), IV steroids, and IV antibiotics. The best way to brush up for me personally has been to grab a drug book and review meds I e...
  8. RN403

    ADN or BSN initially?

    In CA you would do well with a BSN especially if you are hoping to work in the hospital setting. Again look at hospital websites for their employment preferences and requirements or speak to a nurse recruiter.
  9. RN403

    Stethoscope ID Tag Littmann Cardiology III

    allheart.com. They have everything.
  10. RN403

    ADN or BSN initially?

    You should also consider the requirements of the hospitals around you. Some require a BSN, in this case you would want to go straight for it instead of prolonging your job search.
  11. RN403

    Calling nurse managers?

    I would try reaching out to recruiters and human resources first. I have had positive experiences by reaching out to actual humans in regards to the application process. I also had a few negative experiences, so it just seems to vary from facility to...
  12. RN403

    High cost of nursing courses

    You would have to do your schooling online as your primary schooling must include clinical. If you are looking into a cheaper option how about trying for an Associate Degree in Nursing at a local community college and have your employer pay for your ...
  13. I am aware that there is no reason for VS or neuro checks if comfort care only. Just saying that was the only case where I have seen anyone against VS/neuro checks.
  14. I believe you did the right thing. Don't be so hard on yourself. Moaning, agitation, facial grimacing, all can indicate pain and would warrant the PRN pain medication if safe to give. Even though you are no longer assigned a mentor there must be a ...
  15. Not sure if they can but even if it is ordered we have our own nursing judgement. Like with anything if I feel it isn't safe I am not just going to blindly follow. The only time I have ever seen something like this though was on a hospice floor and ...
  16. Also, you might not feel it if you are pushing down too hard. Try a lighter touch and it may do the trick.
  17. RN403

    I feel demoralize and I feel i cannot go on.

    In the future "I would be happy to speak with CT regarding our patient, but, first you need to adjust your tone" should do. You do not have to respond to anyone's nonsense as nobody has the right to speak this way to you.
  18. RN403

    Missed order?

    I highly doubt you will lose your license over this. Unfortunately, none of us can give you a certain answer on what is going to happen. Go to the meeting and explain what happened and be sure to let your manager (or whoever you are meeting with) kn...
  19. RN403

    My First Med Error

    It is okay to feel upset after any mistake is made. However, it is important to remember that we are humans and we make mistakes. If there was no order to D/C in the physical chart or in the electronic record then you had no way to know that medicati...
  20. RN403

    My gpa is a 3.14

    Talk to an advisor at the school you are planning on going to as they can tell you the average GPA of those applying to and gaining admission to their nursing programs. Also, look at the admission requirements for the program's you are attempting to ...
  21. Yes, reach out to the recruiter and send in another application. Life happens. From what the recruiter said it sounds like they would be willing to give you another chance.
  22. RN403


    Could you ask your current manager/facility to allow you to switch to day shift. Have you looked into other potential employers? With experience under your belt you should be able to land a day shift position. best wishes.
  23. RN403

    Nursing Interventions

    The nursing process simply put is to Assess, Do, and Teach. Monitoring your patient is another way of saying "assess." Therefore, you are correct in thinking that monitoring your patient comes before educating.
  24. RN403

    Documenting elimination route

    Voiding adequate amounts of clear yellow urine in bathroom/urinal/ BSC. Incontinent of yellow urine in brief.
  25. RN403

    Applied for job and they sold my information??

    I would apply to jobs directly through the facility website to avoid this.