
All Content by RN403

  1. RN403

    Can you get poked by removing an iv catheter?!

    What the PP said. With the bunched up tape it could have also been a sharp edge of crumpled tape. Although, couldn't hurt to report it.
  2. Does your school have tutoring services/students willing to tutor? YouTube also helped a lot.
  3. RN403

    Scrub tops and bottoms, always the same color?

    I mix mine. Usually solid colored top with black pants.
  4. Since you just started I would give it some time. It is a difficult course load and can be hard to get used to. The first semester especially is more the basics of nursing and you might find that when you start getting into specialities you might lik...
  5. RN403

    Magazines? Education while working

    "Nursing made incredibly easy" has magazines for keeping you up to date. They also have tests in them that you can take that count towards CEUs.
  6. RN403

    Do I NEED to get my BSN?

    Look at the websites of the facilities you are planning to work and see what their requirements say. That is the only way to know which degree you need at this time. Usually, for urgent care and PCP offices you do not need a BSN initially. Speak wth...
  7. RN403

    Frustrated - looking for advice

    I would talk to HR now about if you are in a contract. Find out the terms of breaking your contract to ensure you wouldn't be digging yourself into a deeper hole. This should be included in the contract if you indeed signed one. It is good that you ...
  8. RN403

    So careless!

    Those scantrons can certainly give you googly eyes if you look at them long enough. Try writing your final answer next to the question so that you know which one is your answer for sure and also try using an extra sheet of paper (if allowed) to keep ...
  9. 1-800-273-8255 is the national suicide prevention hotline if you ever need it. Not giving medical advice but please seek help and look for guidance. Getting sick does not mean you need to give up on what you are aspiring to do. You can take refreshe...
  10. RN403

    Can't teach without an order

    Is this a policy for your specific agency? Seems weird as a major part of being a nurse is providing education to our patients for their well being. Teaching is within our scope of practice.
  11. I'm sorry for what you are going through. this might be a stretch but if attending pinning is something that means a lot to you might you be able to speak with your instructors about attending the next pinning instead of yours. I know it might not be...
  12. RN403

    What is cost effective care?

    I agree with your rationales. #1 is not cost effective to me because a terminally ill patient would need hospice care instead of palliative care if my understanding of the two is correct (hospice/palliative care nurses/anyone feel free to jump in if...
  13. RN403

    NG tube feeding

    Also, be careful to never assume anything. If it's not stated in the question it wasn't done. Be careful not to add to the story.
  14. RN403

    NICU in my veins, reinstate me stat!

    Contact your state BON for your next steps. Good luck! You Should also look into a refresher course.
  15. RN403

    Who Do I address the cover letter to?

    "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Human Resources"
  16. RN403

    GPA/ NCLEX on resume?

    As long as your GPA is above 3.5 it is worth mentioning as a new Grad as well as mentioning if you have made deans list at all. Mentioning NCLEX would be silly as they would know you passed based on RN after your name. However, you could list your l...
  17. RN403

    Eye drops while sitting up

    When they are sitting up are they in a recliner type chair? If not, maybe start using one if possible so you can put them back a bit. What kind of drops are they? If they're just lubricating drops they can wait until bedtime. If not, try pulling dow...
  18. RN403

    Cath & Sterile Field Check off Help

    Do you have a skills video you can watch? If not try YouTube... You should also be able to find a video on maintaining a sterile field.
  19. Are they both FT? Would you work 12 or 8 hour shifts? You just want to watch to make sure your schedules would not overlap. It it is possible to have two jobs as long as the schedules don't over lap each other and as long as you feel you won't get b...
  20. RN403

    18 YR OLD READY FOR Germany

    Also, living and studying abroad will come with additional expenses and will not necessarily be cheaper.
  21. RN403

    The lesser of two evils

    Option B sounds much more reasonable.
  22. Holy crap!
  23. RN403

    quitting PRN job - etiquette?

    There should be a policy on this. The amount of notice you must give as a per diem employee should be outlined in your employee handbook or wherever they keep policies. Check with human resources if you can't find it.
  24. RN403

    RN tired of feeling like a waitress

    Those that I have shadowed seem content. Try shadowing if you can. You can pick their brains and see things for yourself which is the best way to develop your own & accurate opinion.
  25. Confused patient chewed off and swallowed sponge from swab during mouth care. Couldn't get it back without being bit.