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All Content by jojola

  1. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Hi, my name is Jennifer and I will be attending the BC Nursing program in the Spring 2013. Just wondering if there are any others out there. I know it is early, but I am trying to get a head start. I am really excited and looking forward to starti...
  2. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Thank you just Breathe. I am open any tips you have to share.
  3. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Hi Jennifer nice to meet you. will be seeing you soon.
  4. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Thank you just Breathe. I would welcome ant tips you have to offer
  5. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    What ages and what side of town? I will keep my ears open. You can also check with Community Connections for Childcare and request a list of licensed providers in the area. 861-5200 Hope this helps.
  6. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Mishipie, congrats. As for the schedule, you can log in to the website and search to get an idea of the days and times. From what I see, classes are Tues. and Wed., Clinicals/lab Thurs. Fri., with Mondays off. I have spoken to someone I know who star...
  7. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    RN121, yes, it was my third time applying. Thank you.......I am getting a sponsorship from one of the local hospitals, which helped me as well. It was my first time applying for the sponsorship, so you may want to think about doing that. I know th...
  8. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Yes, I have passed the TEAS. The minimum score required is a 62% and they take your first try. You have some time, so study a little bit each day and take the practice tests. This should help to prepare you.
  9. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    Hi Ruby, Congratulations. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and preparing to start my first semester.
  10. Bakersfield College Spring 2013

    No, it was not my first time. I have applied a total of three times at 2 different schools. I have been trying since December 2010. Don't give up. It will happen.
  11. Bakersfield College Fall 2012 !

    I tried to ask and was told I would have to wait until the 30th to find out. I applied earlier this Spring for the Fall. My guess is if you dropped off your application in the office, then you are good. For some reason I just wanted to double chec...