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About Overwhelmed1026

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  1. Quitting HCA after 5 months

    OMG everything said here is sooooo true. I couldn’t have put it into better
  2. Quitting HCA after 5 months

    I stayed PRN, but eventually went back FT 3 years later. I just didn’t want to be locked in a contract with
  3. Quitting HCA after 5 months

    HCA contracts are IRON CLAD! I broke a specialty contract with them, 10 weeks before the termination and they took $1800 out of my check, and that was going from FT to PRN, I never actually left, just...
  4. I'm PRN at a union facility. Our collective bargaining agreement states that if it isn't our primary worksite, we aren't required to be on a team. Otherwise we are either during or post storm. I'm on...
  5. Call to organ donation center post pt death

    One of my Nursing school classmates works for the organ procurement center. She has weeks where she is on call to do the cornea harvesting, then other weeks were it is her job to approach the...
  6. I FAILED the TEAS, NEED HELP with Studying!!!!!

    I scored SUPER high on my SAT and ACT verbal portions way back in 96... when I took the TEAS, language was a 86 and reading a 74 (needed a 76 for my program). Went over just that portion and still...
  7. Why do they give so much ridiculous, insignificant homework?????

    How funny! I actually loved the OB! HATE Peds! But the OB has more psychosocial, fluffy crap that I'm REALLY good
  8. Why do they give so much ridiculous, insignificant homework?????

    EXACTLY! The are just trying to cram into our heads what we need to pass NCLEX, so maybe NCLEX should be updated to include questions as to different IV gauges for different purposes and such! Then...
  9. "Make sure to get induced...everyone does it!"

    I was induced at 39 weeks for medical reasons. I insisted on ONLY Cervidil! No Pitocin and no AROM.... after 24 hours, every nurse on the floor was telling me that I was going to need a section, with...
  10. becoming rusty with vaginal exams

    I'm a student nurse and the hospital I did my Maternity clinical rotation at has these "lady parts models" 10 different vags with different stages of dilation and effacement. I got pretty good after a...
  11. Allowing Corpsman to Become Nurses

    Maybe a bridge program? I know in Florida they were allowing EMT's to take a bridge to ASN. Not sure if they still do, but if they are essentially functioning as trauma nurses in battlefields, then...
  12. Why do they give so much ridiculous, insignificant homework?????

    I'm also a second career soon to be nurse. I was a HS chem teacher, but didn't really like
  13. New grad RN in the ED. Am I being hard on myself?

    OMG Cheese Potato, that is
  14. Fundamentals done!

    I didn't find the ATI exam to be that difficult. The practice exams are harder I think. I'm NOT looking forward to Med/Surg ATI in a few weeks! That book is
  15. Medical Terminology

    I am still in nursing school (1 semester left) and I have to tell you that there is one SN in my class who just the other day in a SIM lab actually used the phrase "blue and stuff" to describe...