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About Elliot.Kane

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  1. Proactive Rounding and Family Initiated RRT

    Isn't all rounding proactive? Usually a good nurse would let the hospitalist know first and then if they thought it was serious they'd contact the intensivist first. The intensivist would then...
  2. When Others Say You Aren't Right For Nursing

    Would you take the advice if it was what you wanted to hear? Is it advice from those whose opinions you would blindly trust in other matters? I got some good advice early on that you may or may not...
  3. Something Positive: Your 5-Year Plan

    1) Currently: just finished my first year of nursing in the ICU. I moved to take this job, to skip some of the steps that others listed as 2-3 years out, and it's going even more wonderfully than I...
  4. Why do *some* people hate nurses/nursing students?

    It's like anything else: people have poor experiences with nurses sometimes, and that's reflected in their opinions of the entire profession. One of the greatest aspects of nursing is its diversity....
  5. Is medsurg worth it?

    I disagree that med surg is foundational. It may serve that function for you, but in all the experiences that I've had floating to medical, I would call med surg a very valid specialty of its own. The...
  6. Volunteering

    I wanted to reach out and see if there were any suggestions for nursing specific volunteer possibilities. What have you found? What did you enjoy about it? Any specific qualifications? I have some...
  7. Post PEG tube removal dressing

    Gauze and paper pore tape should be
  8. How do people feel about male nurses?

    This is not true, and the literature repeatedly refutes
  9. How do people feel about male nurses?

    My friends have never given me a hard time about my career decisions. Maybe I have more supportive friends? I've never worked with females that weren't just as willing and capable of lifting and...
  10. How does anyone do double shifts? I'm tired after 40 hours

    Sometimes my shifts will be grouped from Thursday to Tuesday, so it's 6 12's in a row. Or I'll have a random day off in between that I'll choose to pick up an extra shift. I try to get my hours...
  11. August 2015 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    You can't judge a book by its cover...you can't judge a good nurse by appearance
  12. How many patients do you have on average?

    1 or
  13. If you want to work in psych you must be crazy yourself...

    Isn't "insane" a legal
  14. "My Tech" or "My Aide"

    I'm a nurse. When I introduce myself to my patients, I say, "I'm your nurse." So, it makes sense when they say, "where's my nurse?" When I hear people address or refer to CNAs, I have more of a...
  15. New grads and Social Media

    What is included under the term professionalism seems to vary by subscriber. I would consider unprofessional the act of a supervisor discussing another associate with her peers. Furthermore, I would...