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All Content by samanthajo23

  1. scholarship? loans? advice please!

    You can't get federal pell grant? Since only he works and you have 2 little ones, you should qualify!
  2. HI! So I am in A&P and were on dissections! About 3 weeks ago, we started on the cat (muscles)- which REALLY stunk. Granted, I didn't really do any of the touching or disecting because I was the one to direct the others in my group. I had no sy...
  3. Formaldehyde Allergic Reactions anyone? - Maybe?

    Basically just wondering- do you think an allergic reaction could last... all week?
  4. Thank you so much for the information! Sorry I didnt get back quicker. I do remember hearing about the compact states somewhere. Unfortunately Michigan isn't one, so relocation is sounding pretty good. Here in Michigan I'm almost guarenteed a job at ...
  5. Hello all! I am curious as to when I finish school and pass the Nclex- (I want to be a traveling nurse). FIRST- would like to know if any traveling agents allow new nurses? And also what do I have to do to ensure my Michigan license is good in other ...
  6. online anatomy class?

    A friend of mine had this happen to her, the achool she was going to offered A&P online- but turns out the school wasn't accredited by the state. More than likely youll need to do an actual lab. Don't just meet with you're school and talk to them...
  7. Take micro with anatomy, or with physiology?

    I am currently taking A&P I with microbiology. I don't feel like its hard. I have a REALLY hard teacher for micro so I have a low B, I'm usually a 4.0 student but since I've been in her (hard teacher) biology class last semester And micro this s...
  8. What was your GPA when you got accepted?

    3.87 , but I've heard of people getting in with 3.5's :)
  9. So... Who else is waiting on that letter?

    Me! Our deadline is May 10, so I won't get my letter until Late may- mid June! I'm dying to find out! :) wish you ALL the best of luck!
  10. How to look professional?

    Hello! I'm applying for the program in a few months but I still feel like I look like I'm 18(I'm 22)! I want to look professional. I'm unsure if I feel this way because of my hair. It's midlegth, I thought of getting a bob cut.... But I'm unsure if t...
  11. Hello! I'm 22 and currently finishing up my per-requisites to apply to the nursing program in the near future. Currently, I hold a 4.0 GPA. While in high-school I was a bit of a wild child, couldn't focus, and graduated with a whopping 1.7 GPA. Needl...