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  1. new nurse anxiety

    I can't say how much this site has helped me! Lol. I am a new grad and currently (on break) on my 3rd shift alone. I feel everything you're feeling. I go home after a shift and lay there thinking...
  2. Hey guys I'm in the exact same boat right now!! I was so overwhelmed today I actually cried while driving home. I hardly had a lunch and was constantly going all day making sure I completed VS,...
  3. I am on a trauma unit with lots of wound care and post surg patients. I was there as a fourth year nursing student and they are only giving me 6, 12 hour shifts. Today was my first day and I was so...
  4. New grad in busy unit!

    6 shifts!!! And today they literally just "threw me in there" and I was so overwhelmed. I broke down when I get home. I was there as a student in my final year but still........ I'm going to message...
  5. Hi everyone, So I'm a new grad in a busy, high acuity unit!! I have some hospital experience from my final year placement but other then that I have been in outpatient clinics and psych rotation. My...
  6. Interested in Burn Unit?

    Hey, So if you have a strong stomach and love wound nursing this is the place for you. I have yet to come across a fresh, burn trauma (does not happen too often) but I have cared for inpatient burn...
  7. Interested in Burn Unit?

    Hey! So I've had 4 full days in the burn unit and I LOVE IT! You learn soooo much and the nurses are incredible (at least at my hospital). I really needed a unit where I can hone all my skills and...
  8. Thanks!
  9. Interested in Burn Unit?

    I am actually working in the burn trauma unit for my final clinical placement. My first day is on Sunday. Yikes.... I will let you know how it
  10. Hey all, Does anyone know some good websites for practicing nursing math questions (I.e dosages, IV drip rates etc)? I need to brush up lol. Thanks so much in advance!
  11. Doubting my ability to be a nurse

    Nursing school is not easy. There is a lot of work, pressure, stress and responsibility. I am in my last year in the LPN to BScN program and boy, there were times I wanted to throw in the towel, times...
  12. LVN to RN...finally.

    I am in the RPN (LPN/LVN) to RN program and in the final year. It is focused being and acting within the RN role rather then the RPN. Clinical has been exactly as @lvnmum has said... they treat you...
  13. Pediatric Outpatient Clinic

    Hi again, Thank you for the quick response. It is my last and final year in school so this involves me having a preceptor and it's pediatrics. I was hoping for more skills involving trachs, IV's,...
  14. Pediatric Outpatient Clinic

    Hi nurses! For my clinical, I have been placed in a pediatric outpatient clinic. I have never worked with peds or even in an outpatient clinic so I'm a little nervous. Can anyone fill me in on what a...
  15. What are you really good at?

    Ah you guys give me inspiration when I graduate (going into my last year of nursing) and become an RN I will have a 'special skill' too! Right now I do not feel as though I am good at anything and...