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All Content by cantdoit

  1. I'm completely burned out on acute care nursing and need a change. I really want to leave my current job, but the thought of starting again in another department makes me cringe. And I don't want to be a "job hopper" (FYI I've had two jobs in the las...
  2. Burned out and hate nursing

    Just wanted to say I agree with the OP. I'm completely burned out and need to get away from the bedside. I'm sick of 12s and working weekends. And the short staffing is getting out of control. I'm also burned out dealing with entitled patients and fa...
  3. Was your education worth it?

    No it wasn't.
  4. Work related depression

    I can also relate. I feel totally hopeless and stuck in nursing. I'm depressed and exausted from this job... I just want to get out of nursing altogether, but the economy has stalled out. Sometimes I consider working as a waitress just to get away.....
  5. The gross side of nursing..

    You get used to it for the most part.What I can't get past is the respiratory sounds.... Gagging/hacking etc. yuck!
  6. RNs: How much vacation time do you get?

    I don't actually know for sure, but I can't seem to use it except for calling out because they are so strict with when/how we can use PTO.
  7. Hi everyone: I was wondering if anyone had successfully transitioned from being a nurse to a different profession? if so, what are you/did you do? how did you do it? I am actively seeking a way out of nursing, but all of the non-hospital nursing jobs...
  8. what is your job like day to day?

    Just wondering what a day in the life of a home health nurse was like. I have been considering home health, as I like the increased autonomy and change of environment. What kind of skills do you need/perform often? How much experience did you have ...
  9. hi nurses: I have been on here whining away about how tired I am, how I hate 12 hour shifts, how I'm crazy busy/stressed at work etc., etc. And then I thought today, maybe all of my complaining is just pointing out the bigger picture. Maybe I'm not m...
  10. 8hr vs. 12hr work days

    I think 8s are bad for hospital RNs because of weekends and nights. Working 5 days in a week would be terrible with this type of schedule. that said, I'm really tired of 12s. The day is soooo long. and when you work more than one day in a row, all y...
  11. I don't think you should feel bad about not wanting to work in a hospital any longer. You have a lot of experience, you can do a lot more.
  12. what is your job like day to day?

    thanks for the info, and link to the other thread. I think I would really like home health, but am still undecided... how much acute care experience is needed to feel comfortable as a home health nurse? thanks.
  13. I don't like having students follow me, but it's not their fault. I am just way too busy, and students (through no fault of their own) set me way back for the day. I might like having them if I worked on a slower paced unit though.
  14. 12 hr shifts and the single mom

    does your hospital have child care? I don't think this is too common, but I've heard that some do. Are there any other single parent nurses that you work with, where you could help each other out? maybe you could work clinic/office jobs? I dont know ...
  15. wish someone would offer me a job like that!!! give him a call about it and see what he says.
  16. Would you become an RN again if you had the choice?

    not in a million years.
  17. I feel like everybody hates being a nurse!!!

    I have to say that I truly hate nursing. I don't mean to post negatively to discourage others from becoming a nurse, but I think it probably comes off that way. I certainly think if you want to do it, you should. I just feel like I'm fighting a losin...
  18. think I might be depressed?

    Hi everyone; I've been thinking a lot lately, and I think I may be depressed. I feel so sad lately, all of the time in fact. I do nothing on my days off but lay around, thinking about how much I hate my job. I get upset at really dumb things and cr...
  19. No job security

    I feel like I have no job security. There's always threats from managers that they'll write up people for everything under the sun. My managers throw nurses under the bus all the time. I go to work every single day worrying that I'm going to get fir...
  20. Disgusted - wipes for bathing

    I think the wipes are actually a lot more sanitary than the basin baths.
  21. just curious. I regret it every single day. I had good intentions when I started, and I wasn't idealistic either. But it is a FAR worse job than I imagined. I feel like the life has been beaten out of me. I consider myself a good nurse, and I do giv...
  22. does anyone regret this career?

    I know many people are unsatisfied in their jobs, but for me it goes far beyond that. I'm a very hard worker, but feel the expectations of nurses are just plain ridiculous. My own health is suffering as a result of this job, and I'm so miserable all ...
  23. does anyone regret this career?

    thanks for the replies. I've been doing this for about a year and a half (not long, but I'm not brand new either). And I have tried changing specialties and hospitals, but things just went from terrible to even more terrible. I've heard there are bet...
  24. EPIC documentation check list

    you seem to understand english well enough. You probably need a typing class. I have no idea how people can get through any job without knowing how to type correctly. And even if you get let go, you'll need to know how to type for almost every hosp...
  25. transfer to another unit? how?

    hi: I recently have decided that I want to try and transfer units. I have only been on my unit for a couple months, but I know its not a good fit for me. (I'm not a new grad, so its not just an anxiety thing) I just applied to one other unit within ...