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All Content by cantdoit

  1. unsure what to do

    I'm sorry to come on to here to complain. I just was hoping to get some advice from people who have been in my shoes. I have been working as an RN for about a year and a half. At this point, I just feel so worn down. I should say that I like a lot ...
  2. Hello, I don't know if this is something to talk to HR about or my nurse manager, but I thought I'd see if anyone had done something like this. Has anyone had a full-time job that they switched to PRN status? Is it easy to do? The challenge for me ...
  3. Benefits of Per Diem?

    do you find it easy to make a living PRN/Per Diem? That would be my one concern. Do agencies offer benefits? Do you have weekend/holiday requirements? I'm considering PRN as well...
  4. unsure what to do

    have considered hospice, but most want at least 2-3 years inpatient experience. and clinics in my area rarely hire RNs, and those that do pay insultingly low salaries. Its not entirely about money, but I have to be able to pay my bills.
  5. Changing to a non-nursing career?

    I hope to change to a non-nursing job someday soon. Or at least a non-hospital nursing job. I haven't even been doing this very long, but I know its not for me. I've even found myself daydreaming about my old crappy retail/restaurant jobs lately. I...