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About houseboatnurse

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  1. Graduation Role Call Spring 2014

    Hallelujah!! I am finished. Congratulations to everyone graduating this
  2. NRSE 4550 Evidence based practice starting Jan 13

    Cincinursemary, that is the way I remember the quizzes. The first two were the hardest and then they were easier for
  3. NRSE 4550 Evidence based practice starting Jan 13

    I had this class last summer. Discussion board post and replies weekly. Quizzes weekly also. I remember the first two being really hard even with the study guide. Then they seemed to be easier. I...
  4. 4560 Gerentology Fall 13

    Does anyone know how we are suppose to format the nursing care
  5. 4560 Gerentology Fall 13

    This is what my TA sent out. Hope it helps. Box 7-4 Brief Assessment of Spiritual Resources and Concerns Instructions: Use the following questions as a guide to interview the older adult (or...
  6. 4560 Gerentology Fall 13

    Does anyone have grades back for week 1 Evidence Based Practice for Quality
  7. 4560 Gerentology Fall 13

    I received the lowest grade I have ever received on week 1 discussion board. I did it like I have in all of the other classes and did fine. There is no consistency in the
  8. 4530 Who is in?

    4530 was not bad. I had a case study family that we wrote about throughout the five
  9. Nursing Excellence 4600 Starting 9/30

    How is everyone doing on week 5 assignments? I just want to get this paper finished and submitted. This will be my first weekend off where I have not had to worry about school or go to work in a...
  10. Nursing Excellence 4600 Starting 9/30

    Is anyone else struggling with this class or is it just me? I just can't seem to wrap my mind around what they are wanting. I spent a tremendous amount of time working on the discussion board and...
  11. Nursing Excellence 4600 Starting 9/30

  12. NRSE 4600 Starting on Aug 26

    Does your preceptor for this class have to have a masters degree or will a BSN be okay? How much time do you spend with the
  13. Blackboard Outage

    Is anyone able to use Blackboard? Does anyone know how long it will be down? I tried tech support and could not reach anyone. I have taken several classes from OU and never remember it being down...
  14. 4540, who is in

    Do we have to submit the Healthy People Activity? I can't find how to submit
  15. 4540, who is in

    4520 was time consuming but not hard. the assessments take a long time to