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All Content by teemarie

  1. Nurses being victims of workplace bullys.

    If u can't answer why bother to respond--hummmmmmmmmmmm
  2. Nurses being victims of workplace bullys.

    If u can't answer why bother to respond--hummmmmmmmmmmm
  3. Nurses being victims of workplace bullys.

    u know i am trying to figure out the same thing --u think its bc maybe there is some confusion-- compassion = let yourself be abused ???---on my private duty case there are 2 nurses that allow the pt to abuse them--ex: pt will ask for a neck m...
  4. Discouraged new RN

    Great Advice! where were u when i needed u? i've been thru similar experience and i guess i responded based on what i saw worked in the past. it is good to see things from a different perspective and im learning to trust God -- stumble now and again...
  5. How do you deal with a person who is under the influence of something and you are not sure what? situation: i am a private duty nurse-- caring for a quadraplegic on a vent-- he's fully aware of his surroundings-- HHA came in and i could not understan...
  6. The Know-It-All nurse

    Good one, I like that.
  7. I could have called my boss which is the person that gets me my assignments and get his opinion-- in retrospect i think this would have been the best bet instead of calling the agency directly-- thanks
  8. The Know-It-All nurse

    u know what i hate is a HHA that thinks she/he knows more than the nurse.. its like if u wanted to be a nurse --go to school and get your stripes--if not shut up--
  9. Discouraged new RN

    If u figure someone is giving u a bad reference, then u cant use them. sorry to say u r going to have to change ur game plan-- if u know what i mean-- start fresh -- the jobs u r applying for do not know your hx-- so present yourself differently--cl...
  10. Expectations of agency nurses

    you r not the only one who has gone thru what u have just described.. when i first started out in nursing i was a big time softy---and i was stepped on quite often--- as the years have gone by my skin has becoming thicker and thicker--but before i le...
  11. Thinking about agency nursing

    well, i think anyone who does travel assingments has got a lot of courage--- i would never do it --bc , if i don't like what i see im out of there--i do not want to be stuck with a bad situation-- so local contracts r the best for me thanks for the ...
  12. sounds good, but how can i avoid working with him altogether? if i get there and he's there can i just leave or is it considered pt abandonment?
  13. wow, thank you for the words of encouragement. .. this situation has got me so bent out of shape--- i am trying to get over it ... but it seems im not there yet--- in time .....
  14. I thank u for ur input i appreciate it ... thanks for taking the time to reply.. touchy subject for me.. i know i didn't handle things right... i guess n i am searching for answers
  15. I never told the agency he was on drugs ... i only reported what i observed..and ur right too many people did know how i felt i was very upset bc the agency did call the pt , pull the HHA off the case, and was testing him for drugs..-- which they too...
  16. What is up with CRNA/AA/MDA politics.

    well, u obviously do not believe in God and that is ur choice , but who r u to say what God is and is not, r u God... well.. i guess u made that clear
  17. I think i have been misunderstood... I never said he was on drugs .. i just reported what i observed.. also . this was not the only time he came in acting strange..the agency made their own conclusion... also, i know if i would have waited u know wha...
  18. What do you think is a major problem in nursing?

    u want to here something funny about the board of nursing ... they serve no purpose.. and let me tell u why .. i called them and asked a question about a problem i had with a case i was working on --private duty-- and they could not help me-- and the...
  19. What do you think is a major problem in nursing?

    Personally, I think you are being too generous by calling them yes people; I think of them more as prostitutes - they will do anything for the almighty dollar. u tell me who wants to be in the line of fire-- no one -- that is why things stay the sam...
  20. Thinking about agency nursing

    point is .. talk to them u have nothing to loose... and I think anyone must be crazy to sign a 13 wk contract..its only 13 weeks --yeah , 13 weeks of ur life.. people r bullshitters and will tell u anything to get u to work with them.. even on interv...
  21. What is up with CRNA/AA/MDA politics.

    u know what they r haters... some people have nothing better to do with their time but talk bad about someone else.. ignore them and u will be the better person.. what works for me is to pray-- there is a GOD in heaven.. leave it in his hands.. and d...
  22. Thinking about agency nursing

    give them a call ...give it a chance.. dont think the worst.. it wont hurt to see what they got for u --if they tell u they only got adult peds say u r not interested and try another agency
  23. Thinking about agency nursing

    well, i've been an agency nurse for about 4 years. and, if the ad says daily pay it means daily pay --the problem is that it depends on the facility u r going to work for-- so when they tell u there is an orientation at this or that place ask the qu...
  24. What do you think is a major problem in nursing?

    I agree 100%.. respect yourself and others will respect u.. it starts with u.. stop making excuses and make a difference-- i know easy to say -- hard to do-- from my experience change is hard very hard and if u r the one to start it get ready for a r...
  25. From Oregon to NYC

    Mt. Sinai--best hospital to work at.. Places to live: Bayridge, Bensonhurst, Dyker-- not far from the beach-- coney island and the commute to manhattan is about 30-40min-----always ask what the nurse to patient ratio is, and if they tell u they are n...