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All Content by nitsirk81

  1. Direct Entry Programs- How hard to get in?

    I keep getting those emails from Northeastern too. They might send them to me because I'm on their mailing list, but I agree that it seems a little "mean" to send the housing info things to people who might not even be accepted. As far as Yale is ...
  2. Direct Entry Programs- How hard to get in?

    I applied to Northeastern, as well as MGH, BC, Penn, Yale and some others. I'll be going to MGH in Boston, but I emailed the director of the program at Northeastern, and she told me the same thing--that not all the applicants are interviewed. She s...
  3. Direct Entry Programs- How hard to get in?

    I got a letter from MGH in the mail today. I emailed the director of the grad program a couple weeks ago to find out my status on the waitlist, but I never heard anything until I got this letter. THey have to receive my deposit and acceptance agree...
  4. Direct Entry Programs- How hard to get in?

    Hi everyone, I've been a longtime lurker on this thread, but I've been in touch with some of you on other boards. I know that many of you are going to direct entry programs in Boston, and I will most likely be joining some of you at MGH. I was pla...
  5. Direct Entry Programs: MGH or BC

    Jess and Celine - Thanks so much for your help and advice. And Celine, you were more helpful than you think. It's always nice to get opinions direct from students in these programs instead of the just admissions staff and faculty. I also really a...
  6. Direct Entry Programs: MGH or BC

    Jess- I didn't go to the recent info session at BC...but I heard about how competitive it is from one of the admissions people. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Do you know the acceptance rate at MGH? I've been thinking lately that I want to stay i...
  7. Direct Entry Programs: MGH or BC

    Hi, I've been a longtime lurker, and I just came across this thread. These boards have been really helpful. I applied to both BC and MGH, along with Northeastern, Yale, Penn, and U. Rochester. I got into Rochester and Penn and was rejected by Yal...