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About EtherFever

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  1. Raleigh School

    While I am an SRNA, I am not in the Raleigh program... I go to a neighboring school. But many of my friends/former co-workers are in the Raleigh program and they love it. However, they have told me it...
  2. 1. Desire to learn & maximize potential 2. Adaptive & quick to learn & apply (mechanically inclined, tactile learner etc.) 3. Humble & willing to accept criticism (Thick skin) 4....
  3. My program is somewhat in between. First semester is all didactic with 2 weeks of OR shadowing near the end. Then starting second semester its 2 days a week of clinical. From there on out the number...
  4. Chance of Acceptance?

    It depends on the school. Just ask the program director. I do know, that my program weighed pretty heavily on the math portion of the
  5. Fevers In CCU

    I'm a little surprised that ID doc said it like that. I'd understand letting a patient have a slight fever, but your patient's hemodynamics are priority. Fever & sepsis causes increased metabolic...
  6. New Grad. Want to work in the ICU

    As an ICU preceptor, I do recommend starting out somewhere other than the ICU. The learning curve is super steep, and in addition to learning how to be a nurse, you are having to also cram in tons of...
  7. Lawyer considering nursing

    I'll be starting CRNA school in 3 weeks, and the road to get there is not easy. It can be fairly difficult for new grads to get into an ICU right out of school, most ICU's prefer RN's with experience....
  8. IABP Mean Greater than Systolic?

    Awesome thanks for that info, we weren't sure if the balloon actually counted the augmented pressure in it's mean calculation. As far as this particular pt, you're right, no need for the balloon with...
  9. I'm not looking down at floor nurses, nor am I calling them glorified waiters. I'm simply making a comparision that some days as a floor nurse, I felt like one ex. having a busy day r/t to the...
  10. Hey all, A question for people who are familiar with IABP. The other day, we had a patient on ECMO with a balloon, and the MAP on the balloon was reading higher than the systolic pressure on the...
  11. Craymond +1. As an icu nurse, and a former stepdown nurse, I will say that floor nursing is not easy. But it's on a whole different level of hard when compared to "hard" in the icu. In the ICU, the...
  12. CRNA School

    ^spot on above. Work on getting good quality ICU exp, i.e. sickest of the sick type patients. Additionally, you could consider taking graduate level classes to show schools you are able to handle a...
  13. Yup, if you still have 2 years until you start you will be fine. It comes with time and exp. I had similar reactions when I was getting ready to apply, by the time I got my app in I was feeling...
  14. Hey SIguy, It's great to see potential applicants who do heed alot of advice on the board about really gaining the experience and having great reasons to want to be a CRNA. All too often, I hear newer...
  15. CCRN needed for SRNA?

    FYI, I interviewed and accepted a few months ago. Out of 15 in my interview group, 14 had their CCRN. About 10 came with 2-5 years of ICU exp from larger level 1/academic hospitals. I think there are...