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All Content by iamtacc

  1. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    Method 3 :)
  2. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    I just wanna know if anyone here has the same situation as mine. I already talked to my school. And yeah, thats what making me nuts. I need a miracle for this.
  3. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    Can anyone please help me rightnow.. My evaluator is looking for the 54 theory hours of pharmacology.. My pharmacology is intergrated in my RLE. I think i only had 26 hours of skills lecture for pharma.. But its in not like we didnt tackle pharma ev...
  4. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    hi everyone! Who's from LA here.? Im planning to study again. Is there anyone who knows where med surg is availble?
  5. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    anyone who's from LA here?
  6. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    Hey guys! so for everyone applying for NCLEX-PN, the applications received from last September are being reveiwed now. Just letting you guys know. :)
  7. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    hi dragon_lady! i couldnt send you a private message. can you give me your email add? i have a few questions. thank you so much for responding to my message. i really appreciate that :) God Bless!
  8. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    hi guys! i want to know if my school should send my transcripts along with the record of nursing program form to me..or should they mail those directly to BVNPT..? please ANYONE. i just need help.. im still confused.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
  9. Nclex rn california denied - will try lvn

    hi ! what exactly is the declaration form ? did you get your eligibilty?
  10. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    hi proudpinay :) i see your online and i need some help did you get your eleigibilty from bvnpt ? i just want to ask a few questions .. if you dont mind
  11. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    hi ! i just want to ask if you have to be a registered nurse in the philippines if your applying for LVN? im also planning to apply to take the exam.. since i have a gut feeling that caBON will deny me.. thanks !
  12. Denied by CABON now to take LVN..

    hey everyone! im also a graduate of BSN from the philippines. so i am not yet denied by CaBON. My application is still processing..BUT! i am definitely expecting that they will reject me. why? i have incomplete cases..(2 cases) and i read about the "...