
SaderNurse05 BSN, RN

Tele, Infectious Disease, OHN

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All Content by SaderNurse05

  1. Worker's Comp Fraud??

    All of you experienced EHS nurses.. We had an employee who was hurt on the job. He has been out on WC since the begining of the year. The insurance company that pays our claims videotaped him building...
  2. Do you have friends at work?

    When I was in my 20's I was a lot more social with my coworkers. In fact, several of my best frineds are from that group. I think this is pretty rare. In 25 years since then I have had many jobs, had...
  3. Ways I have heard Metoprolol medical personnel.

    I had an instructor who talked about having semen in healthy ears. The whole class laughed at once but she denied
  4. Alcohol at work

    If an employee meets the requirements of "reasonable suspicion" they are brought to EHS. We do a drug sceen and a breath ETOH. If they refuse they are put on admin leave and terminated ASAP. If they...
  5. Any non-traditonal students out there?

    You can do it! I went back at 41 and graduated at 43. I was a much better student this time around. I have thwo children as well, and I agree it was a good example for them to see how important an...
  6. How to NOT cry at work

    Believe it or not if I feel myself start to goet teary I open the freezer door and stick my head in for 30-60 seconds. It seems to help me stopa as well as keeps my eyes and face from swelling up so...
  7. Fmla Need Advice

    Does your employer have an EAP (Employee Assistance Program)? They can at the least provide couneling and stress management. Ours helped an employee find care long distance for her father as well. Our...
  8. I'm so excited!

    I am going to start a new job next week as an occupational health nurse. I know part of what I need to learn is FMLA and Worker's Comp. Does anyone have any good websites or references? More...
  9. What's YOUR nursing obsession?

    Hand washing. So simple , so important and so
  10. Pre-Employment Physical

    As an OHN I can say never lie on a physical. For one thing if they do naot have her correct (and complete) medical history including current medications she could die. I have had 2 employees that left...
  11. slow with papper work...I might be to slow for new job

    I just want to say CONGRATS on going back to school. I myself got a GED. It is funny to hear people talk about high school dropouts. I am a high school never went. I am sure there is a learning curve...
  12. Stay at Home mom looking for Job to do at home

    Okay, I have been thinking about this 5 minutes and I cannot figure out the spam comments. I have seen it on other threads tonight. Can some please explain this to a tired
  13. Question about some labs

    As an old lab tech I can assure you that you are right. There are several things you can do to mess up labs, from drawing above an IV to putting the blood in the wrong (anticoagulant) tubes. Sounds...
  14. Should I speak up, or keep my mouth shut??

    I would be especially wary since they put you, as a new person, on this committee. I 'm all for new ideas but I would be suspicious... watch your
  15. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel?

    Anyone would be overwhelmed with all of that going on! My heart aches for your situation especially with your grandson and your dog, not to mention the job problems. I hope your puppy is okay without...
  16. Maggot Debridement Therapy

    Opps... got my bugs mixed up. You are correct, they were leeches. I guess maggots would not do too well being treated like
  17. Poor treatment for Qld Health Nurses Australia

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. What is Qld
  18. Maggot Debridement Therapy

    I had a patient that we used the maggots on. It did not bother me but some nurses really freaked out. The main things I remember are 1) the maggots will crawl away from where you put them, so it is...
  19. Hagar cartoon 3/9/08

    I vote
  20. If I Murder A Co-worker, How To Hide The Body??

    We used to talk about the merits of a bathtub in a field filled with nitric acid....Seriously there are some people who are really good at pushing buttons. Hope she has settled down or changed...
  21. Food Addiction?

    I decided it was time for a major lifestyle change at the beginnig of the year. I have gone off processed food, including anyhitng with sugar or white flour. I am going to the Weight Watchers website...
  22. post partum patient

    No stupid questions. I'm guessing NCP= Nursing Care
  23. ARRRRGGGGHHH! They have another person to interview.

    I am also happy for you! All I can say is that after I interviewed for my current job (that I love) 7 other nurses applied. My employer has a ploicy that they nedd to interview all qualified...
  24. My first choice

    You might talk to your professors. I had a friend who got a position that had not been posted to the public in part becasue the professor had taught the nurse manager as well and she gave a great...
  25. Non nursing managers

    I worked under a social worker for a while. It was very difficult for both of us. It did not help when the grant we were working under implemented a plocy that 75% of the grant had to fund medical...