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  1. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    Well first semester is the most expensive.. textbooks can run up to $1000 if you buy them brand new and in the package that the bookstore sells. The required ati package is $408, but I'm pretty sure...
  2. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    Congrats! I'm a current BSN student at UCF. To answer some questions: For the transfer student orientation- same as what was previously said, you go to a room and hear some speakers, and split out...
  3. My planner, coffee and
  4. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    I also recommend getting the teas study guide by ati to use, it helped me
  5. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    Clinicals are literally all over central Florida. There's a lot to factor in if you want to live by campus; transportation and the cost for rent is higher closer to the school. I don't want to tell...
  6. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    I can't say for sure, they will also factor in the cumulative GPA and how you do at the interview. If you are invited for an interview you need to take it seriously. For us last year about 180 people...

    I'm about to head into my second semester. For studying and tests, make sure you understand the rationale behind what you're doing. For skills, practice practice practice! Always carry black pens....
  8. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    Background check is completed before
  9. UCF Traditional and Accelerated BSN-2014

    I'm a current student that was accepted last year. Pre-req GPA is most important! They want you to have a 4.0 in those to be considered competitive. I scored below 85 on teas (and a lot of people...
  10. Starting NS in January!

    I started in Aug 2013. Good luck to all of you! For fundamentals, make sure you know the rationale behind the concepts and the associated nursing interventions & diagnoses. Health assessment was...

    Love it too, been slacking the last few months since Nursing School has been kickin my tush but enjoying AN on my Christmas break before my "semester from hell" starts next month (med surg 1, pharm,...
  12. What do you want for Christmas?

    I just want to spend time with my family. I found out this week I was awarded 2 scholarships from my school and that is the only gift I could have asked for
  13. When does/did your semester end and how did you do?

    4 A's and 1
  14. Are textbooks this expensive????

    Yes! Textbooks are crazy expensive. I have networked with seniors in my program and buy my books from them and they will beat the lowest used prices I find and even more! I would also recommend...
  15. Class of 2015

    Totally ready for a break. Gotta keep chuggin' got 4 finals and 2 skills validations coming up I need to prep for.