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All Content by KJ87

  1. KJ87

    Help! PPV versus Houly HH visits

    I’m curious as to what you’re doing during these visits that only take you 10-20 minutes to complete. From my own experience, and reading others’ experience, 30-40 visits a week is full-time work. We are usually in the home for 30+ minutes per visit ...
  2. KJ87

    So I thought I would ask if you guys can share...

    Graduated in May 2010, applied for all new grad OB jobs within a 2-hour radius...nothing. Got discouraged, didn't take my boards until December 2012. Got my first job a year later at a rehab/ltc facility, worked there for 4 months, then took a camp n...
  3. KJ87

    How do you spend your first day off?

    When I get off in the morning I fight my sleep until I pass out, typically before noon. Then I wake up between 3-6pm and am in zombie mode until about 10:30pm, when I finally become alert and functional. I'll stay up until about 3am and sleep until n...
  4. My grandmother was diagnosed with GBM last month, had surgery to remove what they could of the tumor, and just had her first radiation and chemo session a few days ago. Her doctors say the swelling hasn't gone done, in fact she appears to be right wh...
  5. KJ87

    Glioblastoma: Is this typical?

    Of course, thank you for your responses. I was just wondering if people are generally advised to not move around much to prevent further brain swelling. It just sounds crazy to me, and we're not sure if my cousin is making stuff up to fit her agenda ...
  6. There's no harm in sending one, of course, and maybe they do help in certain cases. I didn't need thank you notes for my jobs, and it feels unnatural for me to send one, personally. So I choose not to. Again, like the above poster said, thank you's a...
  7. I tried the thank you note thing for one interview. It was the weirdest thing sending it. I had already said what I needed to say after the interview, so to say it again in a stupid little card was pretty pointless. I see why some are in favor of the...
  8. I'm not mad at nurses or anyone else, just the comments saying "oh I wish I only had 50 residents...." I don't know, it just really irritates me. And it was the biggest reason I left the LTC facility I worked at. I thought maybe it was just that I wa...
  9. I don't get why some people act like this patient load is okay, because it's to be expected in LTC. I think it's incredibly wrong. Patients are suffering because of these ridiculous staffing numbers, and so is the staff! It needs to change.
  10. KJ87

    why nursing is a mess. three simple facts

    Well, no one is making you keep 8 licenses active.
  11. KJ87

    Sooooo much debt already

    I definitely would have done things differently knowing what I know now. However, I received a great education and had a wonderful experience that I do not regret. This is how I picked my school. -soon to be graduating from high school in FL- Parents...
  12. KJ87

    NICU New Grad Residency Interview!

    Totally jealous, but also very excited for you. Wishing you lots of luck, hope you get this!
  13. KJ87

    How important is your 'look' as a nurse

    Thanks, I needed that laugh.
  14. KJ87

    Sooooo much debt already

    My parents begged me to move back in with them. Having a car and job make it much more tolerable for everyone. I had to move 230 miles away from my boyfriend, which sucks, but we're making it work. Living with the parents isn't a horrible thing, unl...
  15. KJ87

    Sooooo much debt already

    I didn't go to an insanely expensive school, but I was an out-of-state student up until my last semester. I needed room and board each year, which was more costly due to my request for a single room. I also stayed for two summers to get more pre-reqs...
  16. KJ87

    Dealing with calls from work

    Of course I felt guilty about that for a week or two, but that has passed.
  17. KJ87

    Dealing with calls from work

    At my last job, the favorites were given weekends off, no one else was offered the same curtesy for picking up their slack. Staffing got really bad in my last month there. So glad I left.
  18. Congratulations by the way!
  19. Now I see why teachers love students. So full of hope and excitement. It's refreshing. Those days seem so distant to me now.
  20. I've only experienced the death of two patients so far, but they'll always stay with me. During my senior practicum rotation they had me watch the heart monitor for a man on the unit who was passing. I'll never forget watching his heart rate slow to ...
  21. What a horrible mandate. I'm sorry your employer is severely limiting your brand options, that really blows. I do not like any of the Cherokee brand scrubs I've bought. Wonderwink Flex is the best brand I've ever worn. They're thicker, softer, and s...
  22. KJ87

    why nursing is a mess. three simple facts

    Where do you live? I need to move there!
  23. KJ87

    You gotta love them!

    We had PBR and whiskey in our med fridge for one of our residents. And a prn order for a glass of wine for another. Some nights I was tempted to pour myself a shot.
  24. KJ87

    i need help.please...

    I feel like Kaplan was a waste of time and money. I did poorly with the Kaplan review course. SATA questions are hard and intimidating when you're trying to make sure you get each answer and not too many. I just dissected the questions and ran throug...
  25. KJ87

    New nurse feeling overwhelmed and miserable!

    Just curious. Is it normal to feel like you're finding your groove after about three months and then getting hit with worse stress and anxiety soon after that? I ended up quitting my job at a LTC facility after 4 months because every shift I had a pa...