Glycerine82 LPN

Short Term/Skilled


About Glycerine82

Glycerine82 has 9 years experience as a LPN and specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

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  1. I believe the fee is a suggestion by the company who she books through and is "up to
  2. Glycerine82

    Rejected by DCF

    I think family is definitely the best bet. if he doesn't want the help he has the right to live his life. The father with dementia on the other hand is probably an elder at
  3. Glycerine82

    gender "issues"

    Ummmmm what we know to be true is that gender dysphoria is very real. There are even folks who have two copies of Y or X in addition to the XX or XY they already
  4. Glycerine82

    BSN Program Dismissal

    They should allow you to start again, even if you have to wait until the next time it comes around. The thing about nursing school is it's more about learning the information and then...
  5. Glycerine82

    Is this legal?

    It's perfectly legal for you to accompany a patient although it's not legal for you to provide care while there so I'm not sure what the point would be. In terms of the lateness ask if you can meet...
  6. I'm curious to know what others in skill nursing facilities are doing for their monthly "edits"? When it was paper, MAR/TAR edits were easy enough as everything was transcribed over to new order...
  7. Let him refuse. A good bed bath is just a
  8. Glycerine82

    Medication & treatments on midnight shift

    Why kind of treatments do they have you doing on
  9. Glycerine82

    RNs vs LPNs

    Good grief I didn't realize how old this
  10. Glycerine82

    Ceased placement due to not taking vital signs properly

    Would it hurt? maybe not you but it could hurt
  11. I would say you have to provide privacy and thats about it. If they can't get the parts to go together on their own accord that would be a safety issue and not something OT can really partake
  12. Glycerine82

    Incontinent care

    I mean you can double glove for the same patient in the case of a massive code brown, etc. Im not sure its wise to teach this practice though, because someone is Sure to misunderstand and next thing...
  13. Glycerine82

    Patients demanding a singleroom.

    I've solved this problem by really considering where I place people and making changes when/if needed. We don't have a single except for one isolation room and I explain. Then I usually crack a...
  14. Glycerine82


    Often times the providers want someone to accompany. I usually ask the family to meet them there, if they aren't able and I have to I will send someone but in the case of someone A&O x4 who is...
  15. Glycerine82

    Inevitable Resignation

    Morphine in therapeutic doses absolutely does not kill people. Any medication CAN kill someone, of course. There are always adverse reactions and drug/drug interactions but I was speaking to the...