ComeTogether LPN

Transitional Nursing


All Content by ComeTogether

  1. ComeTogether

    Is this legal?

    It's perfectly legal for you to accompany a patient although it's not legal for you to provide care while there so I'm not sure what the point would be. In terms of the lateness ask if you can meet the patient there
  2. ComeTogether

    Monthly edits with electronic records

    I'm curious to know what others in skill nursing facilities are doing for their monthly "edits"? When it was paper, MAR/TAR edits were easy enough as everything was transcribed over to new order sheets. Given that the electronic MAR generate...
  3. ComeTogether

    How do you get a very combative patient to take a shower

    Let him refuse. A good bed bath is just a good.
  4. ComeTogether

    Medication & treatments on midnight shift

    Why kind of treatments do they have you doing on 11-7?
  5. ComeTogether

    RNs vs LPNs

    Good grief I didn't realize how old this was!
  6. ComeTogether

    Ceased placement due to not taking vital signs properly

    Would it hurt? maybe not you but it could hurt someone!
  7. I would say you have to provide privacy and thats about it. If they can't get the parts to go together on their own accord that would be a safety issue and not something OT can really partake in.
  8. ComeTogether

    Incontinent care

    I mean you can double glove for the same patient in the case of a massive code brown, etc. Im not sure its wise to teach this practice though, because someone is Sure to misunderstand and next thing you know they'll be going over to the other bed wi...
  9. ComeTogether

    Patients demanding a singleroom.

    I've solved this problem by really considering where I place people and making changes when/if needed. We don't have a single except for one isolation room and I explain. Then I usually crack a joke or two and promise to win them over. Usually I ...
  10. ComeTogether


    Often times the providers want someone to accompany. I usually ask the family to meet them there, if they aren't able and I have to I will send someone but in the case of someone A&O x4 who is comfortable going alone thats certainly permissible.
  11. ComeTogether

    Inevitable Resignation

    Morphine in therapeutic doses absolutely does not kill people. Any medication CAN kill someone, of course. There are always adverse reactions and drug/drug interactions but I was speaking to the intended use of the medication in the setting of hosp...
  12. ComeTogether

    Responsibilities of RN in nursing home in NJ

    It's going to be up to the nurse practice act for their state, seems to vary widely. In my state nurses can't delegate to other nurses, no matter the license. LPNs can do assessments as well, but it seems my state is one of the most liberal i...
  13. ComeTogether

    What is the best way for an LPN to become an RN?

    Just out of curiosity, do you think that they will begin to consider more hybrid options given the need?
  14. ComeTogether

    Massasoit LPN to RN 2023

    I want to do this, but I really want a hybrid option.
  15. ComeTogether

    Responsibilities of RN in nursing home in NJ

    double check with your board of nursing and the facility policy/procedure however, my understanding is unless you accepted is supervisory position , there should be no difference. You are responsible for the patients that you have accepted, no ...
  16. ComeTogether

    Inevitable Resignation

    That dosage of morphine is quite conservative, and if the person had not been dying, it would simply have kept them comfortable. Eventually they would have rallied back after their body adjusted to the dosage. Morphine and Ativan does not kill...
  17. ComeTogether

    Has anyone ever been asked to lead activities at work?

    Not sure about the whole activity thing because I find that the activity department should be taking care of that. All combined I probably spend two hours a day, if that, in my office.
  18. While its certainly their right, I can't fathom a world where it would be nursings role to assist, especially not with a hoyer lift, good god. What does the DON and Director of Social Services have to say?
  19. ComeTogether

    Favorite brands of scrubs and why?

    Carhartt Force Flex. The material is moisture wicking and stretches, light as a feather and they hold up well. I can't function without them. plus they have pockets exactly where I need them.
  20. ComeTogether

    Need guidance from seasoned leaders

    I manage a short term/mixed unit with an amazing team for the most part I have one problem nurse who just isn’t meant for this population. I can’t even get into how wrong this nurse is without getting red in the face my pri...
  21. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    I've been a nurse for 5 years and I've recently expressed interest in the Unit Manager position for my Sub Acute unit. (SNF) I think they might actually give it to me. What have I done?? Excited but scared. Much like I felt when I ...
  22. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    Well, I am still standing and I've actually grown quite a bit. Can't say I'd have said yes going in if I knew then what I know now, but I also love what I do. Usually.
  23. ComeTogether

    Massachusetts salary ADON

    Well I would certainly hope so
  25. ComeTogether

    Double Briefing

    Right. Im talking about the peeps on 80mg of Lasix who still get changed q2 or more but will literally float away if they don't have something to absorb when the floodgates open. Side by side, not one on top of the other. To be fair, it's pr...