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All Content by BBarton

  1. Does nursing change you into an angry person?

    Agree with HS20/20RN!! That's my mission;)
  2. Excelsior College Nursing / LPN to RN / Advice

    How is it going?
  3. Excelsior College Nursing / LPN to RN / Advice

    Tempted to go this route for my Bridge.
  4. Excelsior College Nursing / LPN to RN / Advice

    Cool! Thanks for the info;)
  5. Excelsior College Nursing / LPN to RN / Advice

    What is ALEKS?
  6. Excelsior College Nursing / LPN to RN / Advice

    What is Alkes ?
  7. Chemistry and I are not friends.....

  8. Nclex today

    You go back in and attempt to register to test again, if it let's you reg... Will just say that's not a good sign.
  9. Excelsior College Nursing / LPN to RN / Advice

    Can you tell me what EC requires for math? I have my A&P's, micro, Chem, English, psych, ect... Just no math courses.
  10. 5 months snd still haven't takin boards

    Don't wait! Go take your Boards while it's fresh!