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About focker14

focker14 has 8 years experience and specializes in Anesthesia.

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  1. agree with Wtbcrna....enjoy your freedom...Miller is a great when bored and nothing better to some overtime....drink a few....but in all honesty...just enjoy your free
  2. RNs pulling pleural chest tubes

    Acutally pulling the midiastinal CT would make one be more cautious....pleural CT are not an issue
  3. Hey there...I hate to burst your bubble but there are no Nurse Anesthesia programs that allow non-nurses in, even with your background. As a CRNA, your liscense is through your states Nursing Board....
  4. New Grad, First Job (ICU)

    hahaha...get a plastic binder for it? Just remember the most important rule for an ICU nurse.....LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES and pray you don't make one that really harms a patient....In my 8 year...
  5. Did I do enough?

    For starters...don't think you could have done more. Doesn't appear the patient was going to make it from the get go. Also people with anoxic brain injuries can develop cerebral edema enough to...
  6. Trendelenburg positioning

    That has been a debate for quite awhile. There are times when it is appropriate and times when it is not. If you need to buy yourself time until you can get a pressor started then by all means I...
  7. Is this common practice?

    Most places do not practice like that espeically in a SICU....If you need some backup there are numerous articles about post-op pain and length of stay in ICU on both intubated and non-intubated...
  8. How would you handle this..?

    That's wrong. However, what were the patient's vitals like? If they were stable and he/she was intubated why not load up on narcs and sedation, especially if he/she was writhing in pain. Knock me...
  9. Raleigh School

    also, they hire new grads into ICU's here in Raleigh. there is 6 area wife works in a MSCIU at one of them and precepts new grads all the
  10. Raleigh School

    Hey Chris, Well for starters, most programs look at grades and GRE scores. It appears as if your wife would have no problem on that end. RSNA, I would say looks at those more highly than someone...
  11. 34 when I started and will be 36 when I graduate. most in my class are 27-30 and have some outliers both ways though ie, 23yr old and a couple of
  12. Rash of A-line dislodgements

    From an anesthesia point of view, No, most MDA/CRNA will not suture in the Aline as we only need it for the duration of the case. In addition, our patients are anesthetized so we do not have to worry...
  13. Raleigh School

    Chris, I heard that RSNA is going to $10,000 per year. That doesn't include UNCG fees, however I don't believe that it is close to $42 G. Thinking its about $9000-11,000 for UNCG for both years so...
  14. Am I on the right track if I want to eventually work in SICU?

    Not a problem...Hint of advice though. In all honesty, ICU patients are NOT all on the brink of death, many of them are there to PREVENT bad things from happening to them. I might even say that...
  15. Am I on the right track if I want to eventually work in SICU?

    Honestly don't wait a couple of years, I would suggest get a year on the floor you are at then start applying as soon as you can. I also would not recommend attempting to get into a smaller ICU...