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All Content by future_wonder_woman

  1. Hey folks! Perspective Fall 2014 nursing student for Lone Star College System. I'm hoping to get as much "inside" information about the program as possible. Once I get in (God willing, it'll be in July of this year, FINALLY!) I'll only need 37 hours...
  2. Fall 2014 lonestar north harris nursing students

    I sent the request for facebook - Chasity Shaw
  3. Fall 2014 lonestar north harris nursing students

    I got my e-mail for more information today! It's just information regarding fingerprinting.
  4. Fall 2014 lonestar north harris nursing students

    Hey guys, I'm a bit late but I'm in! You ladies are super women to be doing all of this with children. I'm alone in Houston, no family or kids or spouse but money is still an issue for me. My bills are hard enough as it is without school related supp...
  5. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    I'm in!!!!!!!!!!! North Harris :)
  6. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    Hey! I'm great, thanks. I am in Nutrition. Super easy class, btw. The HESI went great. I was freaking out for no reason, lol. You guys can add me to the list with an 11.25 & NH as my preferred choice.
  7. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    Hello, everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted. Busy semester so far! I am taking my HESI exam this morning and terror would be an understatement. Hopefully, I'll be reporting back later today and be added to the list with a high score!
  8. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    That kind of up to you. The admissions process is based on a 12 point system spread out in three sections. The minimum req. to put in your application is to take and pass all 5 sections of the HESI, have A&P I, English 1301, and Psyc 1301. The H...
  9. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    Well! I was hoping to take my HESI on Jan 2nd but the testing center will not be open until next week, which means I will only be able to take the test ONCE before the application period is over (60 day rule). I'm thinking I may just wait until the f...
  10. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    Wow! That is a lot. I guess I'm just a bit anxious. My ultimate goal is to be an APN (not sure what kind yet) but I spent the first 2.5 years of my college career not knowing what or who I wanted to be and now that I know I'm ready to take over the ...
  11. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    Program length question! So when/if I start the program in August, I'll need 37 hours to complete the program. Why does it take four semesters (two years) for just 37 hours? Is there a way to finish faster? I know the whole nursing process is somethi...
  12. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    I'm applying to as many as possible. Cy-Fair, Montgomery, North Harris, & Tomball with NH being my #1. I may even go ahead apply for the LVN programs coming up at Mont. and Cy Fair
  13. Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

    Hello everyone! I am also a Fall 2014 hopeful! I have yet to take the HESI (going on the 2nd). That's the only thing left I need to do. I'm so nervous to apply, and after I get accepedt I know I'll be nervous to get started but its time to face the m...