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  1. What to teach in EMS class?

    I was in EMS for several years prior to becoming a nurse. I now work in the ER. Although, I know you are coming from a good place, some of your points seem a little bias. They could be good points but...
  2. New Grad in ER (Time Management and Prioritization)

    I could have wrote this myself. I am a year in and I still feel overwhelmed at times. I think every one does from time to time. Sometimes, the ER is just overwhelming. Many nights when I'm driving...
  3. Sandy Storm whom do I serve?

    I've faced this situation myself fortunately for me the community I lived in was very unique; in that we are accustomed to "the work comes first" because we all lived/worked on a penitentiary. There...
  4. Allowing Corpsman to Become Nurses

    I believe the certification is the same whether it be EMT-Basic or paramedic, when you get out of the military. I'm a paramedic and I have worked with EMTs trained in the service. As a Paramedic you...
  5. Allowing Corpsman to Become Nurses

    mmm333 - Your post is spot on. Thank you sharing your knowledge of the subject and more than that thank you for being an advocate for medics that are struggling just to make that transition without...
  6. Allowing Corpsman to Become Nurses

    I am a Paramedic (that worked in a prison with a military type structure and expanded duties/ scope) transitioning into the Registered Nurse role. Many of you have commented that the job is different;...