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All Content by Zanian

  1. No more rudeness!

    It's not good to look at forums like this for a general opinion of the whole of nursing and base a conclusion on something with a few negative circumstances. If people are angry they post stuff on the internet from their point of view and generally l...
  2. Ivytech 2015 Fall Admission

    She doesn't as I got in Spring semester and I applied to 3 Ivy Tech campuses. I also applied for the Lafayette ASN program but I heard someone who was applying for the ASN and the phlebotomy program who talked to their phlebotomy advisor and they sai...
  3. Ivytech 2015 Fall Admission

    Hi I applied for ivy tech kokomo and Indianapolis for the ASN and ivy tech Lafayette for the PN for spring semester and got into all 3 of them with a score of 134. I got an 89 on my TEAS and an A in English and a B in both Psych and A+P 101 which giv...