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All Content by Fern22

  1. can any one help WITH med surg and care plans

    Try to read the chapter and then go back and type or write out a chapter outline........get review and rationales for med surg, that should help! Med surg is a tough course but i think that reading and making your own notes will help you out!
  2. so, are ya studying this weekend?

    I did study this weekend...........I am trying to get some reading done. Yesterday I read a chapter, today I will try to squeeze in at least 2.........
  3. Spring Break...what are you doing???

    I'm taking naps and making smoothies! Yum! I am studying some every day though....................got to stay on top of my reading!
  4. I put on a few pounds last semester (5) but I have managed to lose them. I try to drink lots of water and I drink diet sodas instead of regular but I try not too drink to much soda! I try to eat lots fruits, steamed veggies with rice, cheese, fish, l...
  5. any ideas on my patient?

    A 54 Year old client had an uneventful total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpino-oophorectomy earlier this morning. The pathology report confirms stage 2 endometrial cancer with minimal lymph node involvement. She was widowed 6 months ago, h...
  6. Hey, you guys, I am reading my Maternal Newborn book and its lengthy and tedious........my instructor emphasized that we need to read to be familiar with this info but help me! How am I suppose to master this stuff for the exam.........please give me...
  7. I was wondering, how important is reading the required material in passing exams? I have a lot of reading to do....which I am doing now but some people in my class say that they don't read and they still pass stuff. This is for my Med Surg class........
  8. do you have to read to make good grades?

  9. do you have to read to make good grades?

    Our instructors test us on those rare diseases and little things because they want to make sure we read........they say that as nurses, we have to know more than just the test material(which is true) so they test us on that stuff we ignore........and...
  10. we're busy but we all need some motivation

    I would love to be email buddies with somene! Nursing school is easier to deal with when you have shoulder to lean on.
  11. trouble stayng slim when in nursing school

    I hope you didnt get back with this guy! That's mean that he broke up with you because you gained 20 pounds. congrats on becoming an RN!
  12. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Hi, I just found this website and it seems really helpful already! I'm in year 3/4 of a BSN program. I'm taking it 1 week at a time
  13. competition in class.....out of control

    I am a very determined student and I take my grades seriously. I am moderately competetive but not in a rude or unhealthy way. I compete with myself the most than other people. I try to psuh myself to do better than I did last time on exams and be mo...
  14. feeling overwhelmed already:AAAHHH!

    I feel so stressed already. I was reading my syllabus....and there are so many chapters on one test. I am reading the material and wondering: How am I supposed to know this stuff by test time (2wks from now)? This is definitely going to be tough.
  15. First day of class tomorrow......

    I start school tomorrow too.......I am so excited! Year 3/4 for me!
  16. who is doing homework today?

    I'm trying to read some chapters in my Med Surg textbook that will be lectured on tomorrow. I feel like I can utilize the lecture better if I read the material before......but this stuff is really boring!