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All Content by samjohns

  1. Congratulations to Aelith and others for selflessly giving all the right information to all aspiring and would be Australian RN/migrants. Whatever it may take to realise your aspirations, be focused and go for it. Ten years ago, I applied on my own f...
  2. New Zealand Registration

    I would agree with Lavalin. Most Philippine graduate RN’s would rather work in US than anywhere else for several reasons e.g. nursing curriculum and licensure exams are patterned after U.S., exchange rate is more favourable, more opportunities, etc. ...
  3. New Zealand Registration

    Jenny Like other posters I would advice you to be a registered nurse in Philippines first before considering migration. If applying for Australia, RN's are in the demand profession list, you either apply as independent skilled migrant, hospital spons...
  4. Engineers who switched to nursing

    Hello to all. Nursing is the way to go. I can't find a job with my engineering degree after I migrated to Australia but completed my nursing in Queensland 2 years ago in my past 40 age and never look back since. I will finish my Master in nursing thi...
  5. Philippine RN with OZ Visa need help and advise

    dear mike hello kabayan. if you're sponsored by nsw health department enquire if you are eligible for NSW Health Department funded position (see and for more details). Also enquire if you ...